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source: sina
http://soccer.sina.com.hk/cgi-bi ... /2/1/1843499/1.html
Luis Fabiano will cost Milan €20m - agentSeville striker Luis Fabiano could sign for AC Milan for around €20m, according to the Brazilian's agent.
Luis Fabiano hold aloft the Confederations Cup Golden Shoe and adidas Silver Ball.

The Rossonerihad claimed the deal was dead after an offer of €14m was rejected bythe Spanish club but, Jose Fuentes, the striker's agent, insists aagreement can still be reached.
"We are waiting for Milan to return as their first offer was a little too low," Fuentes told Tutto Mercato. "Milan must push a little more. If not, the negotiations could continue for some time."
WithSeville holding out for €30m and both clubs having wildly differentvaluations of the 28-year-old, Milan's lawyer Leandro Cantamessa saidearlier on Tuesday that the deal was virtually dead.
"We made anoffer and they said no and so we had to revoke our offer," Cantamessaexplained. "I don't think there will be another offer for now."
ButFabiano's representative seems desperate to revive the deal and as wellas going public with the desired transfer fee the agent also revealedthat Milan had been granted exclusive access to his client.
"The market value of the player is around €20m," Fuentes said. "This seems to me to be the right figure."
"Milan remain the only club we are speaking to. We have given them our word and we intend to respect that."
Anadded complication to the deal is that the Italian club must alsonegotiate with investment group RIO, who own 65% of the former SaoPaulo player's rights.

Source: Soccernet

美 路 通 過 祖 記 體 測

巴 西 國 腳 菲 臘 比 美 路 ( 美 路 ) 周 二 通 過 祖 雲 達 斯 體 測 , 料 於 未 來 數 日 內 會 正 式 加 盟 ; 26 歲 的 他 揚 言 會 全 力 協 助 球 隊 贏 取 錦 標 : 「 我 希 望 助 球 隊 贏 得 意 甲 , 甚 至 歐 聯 冠 軍 ; 我 有 信 心 球 隊 有 足 夠 實 力 達 成 此 目 標 。 」

source: http://hk.soccer.nextmedia.com/s ... 0716&cat_id=601



source: sina
http://soccer.sina.com.hk/cgi-bi ... /2/1/1844746/1.html
2009-07-18 09:48:00


From: http://soccer.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/85/2/1/1845422/1.html
Arsenal's defender Philippe Senderos will move to Everton, (Euro Sport)
慢 慢 來 , 一 步 步 來 ,所 有 人 都 是 一 樣 的 ,
沒 一 個 人 是 特 別 的 , 只 要 努 力 和 勤 力 ,
一 定 會 成 功 。
亨特拉爾 去AC
ac 官網http://www.acmilan.com/index.aspx

MILAN - A.C. Milan communicate they have reached an agreement with Real Madrid for the purchase of striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar. The Dutch footballer will be subjected to the medical checks tomorrow, after which he will sign a contract which will keep him at the Rossoneri club until 30 June 2013.
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