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Originally posted by allin at 2005-3-9 23:31:
I got totally lost... =p
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
我覺得費sir唔社應該用 云佬


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Originally posted by allin at 2005-3-9 11:31 PM:
o my god!
even u are a MU's fan, u should know at least some basic information about other clubs!!
OK... i just give u a few examples of the Arsenal's talents:

Fabregas (04 May 1987)
Flamini(07 March 1984)
Senderos(14 February 1985)

You know how old is Fabregas? You know how many games he played for Arsenal as a start up?
Fabregas & Flamini are always the partner of Vieira in the midfield & they are both under 20!!!
And Reyes, van Persie, Clichy, Hoyte etc are just over 20! And they are already regular first team members!!!
The youngest KEY player ---> Toure is just 23!!! How did your Rio the great perform when he was in 23? Compare with Toure!!!

I always try to be positive & friendly towards other teams' fans, but your comment is really stupid and making me furious!

Of course Rooney has a bright future but i doubt C.Ronaldo's, but how much did they cost? And what other 'young players' played a part in MU's game last night? Henize? can u classify him as 'young'? Plz dun tell me u are talking about Fortune! Well... may be u believe Brown can be a worldclass defender later as well!!

[ Last edited by Pharaoh on 2005-3-10 at 01:01 AM ]
雲格完全唔相信雲佩斯, 看看佢的上陣時間, 比老將杳金還要少呢
你講得出法比加斯, mu都有個比基, 羅斯 , 史柏達
Senderos呢幾場睇佢同法名尼雖然係雲加話的未來~但好明顯唔同級呢, 佢地都係 Vieira partner~as~u~said 但係邊個可以踢到施華ge作用
Fabregas if~佢而家係好~why~雲加又會用番edu
I think you never manager a soocer team in your life,
your comment is "resaonable" in your mind.

If you think they are not that good........ think what will you if you were in management level, and what u will do if you have so many talents players in your team..

I give you one example, Michael Jordan!

Did he get around 30 pts in the first season? YES

The next question I am asking you: when did Chicago Bulls goto first NBA finals? his 7th season!
to build a team, it's not similar to play in Winning 8, only just look at stats and talents.

Same as in your life..... what you may think nowadays, you are ready in many things.
but do you think you are mature enough to handle a company?!
then you will get what I am trying to say.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
I was in hurry before, I should give you another example:
Tottenham Hotspur.
Do u think Kanoute + Robbie Keane+ J De Foe are the best strikers in the next generations? (I believe in him)
3 young international, but why they couldn't lead in League in goal scoring?
Do they have 2 English international at the back? (King) and (Paul Robinson)?

but why Tottenham could get in top 5 but in Middlesbrough/Newcastle, they get similar talents of players, they could challenging in top 5?
cos if you see Middlesbrough or Newcastle, you could see they got some OLD players to lead them, teach them to grow up... (Ray Palour, Hasselbank, Southgate in Boro, Alan Shearer, Given in  Newcastle)

if you have one team gets too young of ages, do you know it's really tough to let them grow up in the right way? tempetation? professional behaviours? etc etc..

Please tell me the oldest players in Tottenham Hotspur now!

Did you know why David Moyes don't allow Wayne Rooney to play international level when he was 17?!

it's because he see the weakness for Wayne Rooney... he's too emotions and too bad temper,

See, how's going when he's in Man UTD? he's getting a lot of mins. But what's about his temperment? going worst..... cos he gets too many things when he is young.

Do you know it's really hard to teach him nowadays to be the level he could be?!

find more stats for some veteran, find more information for some great players in your mind, you could see they were NOT playing a lot of mins when they were young

See Chelsea? Terry gets a lot of talents, but without the teaching from Desially, do you think he's that good todays?!

Oh man, think wider pls.......... it's not a PC games in life.. a soccer player is a person, not a PC machine, not your "stars", they need to be mature in their life too..... (in professional, in skills, in times....)
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
if you read in another post, they were aguring the does Roy Keane is worth for 90,000 pounds or not?
If you look at Man Utd, without team, do you think the team has spirit?!

You could see how's the combination with Djemba-Djemba and Kleberson... they are OK in stats and they are young, but where are they now?!

Do you know, in the first year, when Man Utd bought Roy Keane, (even he played 2+ seasons in division 1 with Notthingham Forest.) He need to spend sometimes, staying back between Bryant Bobson, yes, the WBA manager nowadays, and Paul Ince?! (they had Paul Ince, Robson, Keane and Neil Webb at the time...)
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 曼聯輸波!!!!!

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