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二﹑對於神全知的理解﹐我在上一個帖子其實是有說過的﹐如下﹕“神的確是全知﹐但這全知並不是因為一切已預先編定﹐這種看法還是小看了神的能力﹔神的全知在祂能夠預見我們每一個人每一個決定所帶來的每一個不同的結果﹐並且跟據每一個結果制定出對我們的賞賜或懲罰。神的確是知道未來﹐但並不是單一定死了的未來﹐而是無限個各不相同的未來神全都知道﹐因此神是全知。”不知mememe 網友是否看漏了呢﹖若還有疑問﹐歡迎指證。


Originally posted by justin_lun at 2005-6-24 04:49:
u did it well!
We are on the same team in Christ
God will bless what's hard work
remember, when we preach Good News, people may not listen at that moment
It takes times, efforts and experience to let them to know God more...
The most important thing is: where is our heart

We are not the smartest men in the world
We may not answer all the questions from human
even we can answer all the questions, people can have freedom (that GOD gives it to us, not believe GOD)
but we are blessed that we know Him and we can serve HIM

May GOD bless u

Love in HIM
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by bengrace50 at 2005-6-24 02:52 AM:

Let me rephrase your questions…
1) If God is eternal, in what grounds does God ‘need’ a wife?
2) Does an eternal being have the ability to grow?
3) If a ‘being’ grows, does it mean this being will age and die?

Here we are talking about the deity/humanity of the nature of Jesus Christ. Let me try to answer it. However, there are some pre-suppositions we need to agree upon: If anyone can not take the following two presuppositions for discussion’s sake, then I would advise you to quit reading now. There’s no point of reading with a set of angry eyes and disgruntle soul. Fair enough?
-        We need to affirm there is reliable historical evidence in the New Testament books and the writings of historian Jospehus on the existence of Jesus and his claims to be fully human and fully God. (The authenticity of the two groups of documents is another subject in itself).
-        According to claims of Jesus, the only way he would be able to ‘save’ the sins of all is to die on the cross and be resurrected. That is, according to him, the very purpose he comes on earth.

A) The Developmental Growth of Jesus as a person:
According to the bible, Jesus went through all the normal processes of human development. He was conceived in Mary’s womb by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18, Luke 1:34-35). Mary did carry him to full term (Matthew 2:6-7). He grew up in Palestine as a normal boy, developing physically, mentally and emotionally (Matthew 2:40-52). Like all of us, he angered (Matthew 4:2), thirsted (John 19:28), was tired (Mark 4:38) and breathed (Luke 23:46) as a human. In fact the shortest verse in the bible describe this human side of Jesus: “Jesus wept” in John 11:35.
Jesus died a human death. Many people witnessed his death, including those who mocked him (Luke 23:48-49; John 19:25-27). His death was also confirmed by professional executioners of Rome. Jesus was buried in accordance with the customs of the time and set in a grave (John 19:38-41). You can get more human than that!

B) The Deity of Jesus as God
I won’t bore you with scripture references here. Basically if you have time to read the first four books of the New Testament bible (there are pictorial ones now), you will find numerous passages that Jesus actually claims to be God. And in that context he was referring to Yahweh God, the God of the Jewish people. This claim to be Yahweh God is also the reason why he was persecuted by the Jewish religious leaders. Even the Roman soldiers mocked him and asked Jesus to ‘come down from the cross if he was really God’ when they nailed him at Golgotha. How do we know Jesus is surely God? To answer this I would have to open up another topic....but let's just say the biggest miracle is the resurrection.

Brief answer to your questions:
1)        The Christian God does not need a wife to bore Jesus. Mary is a virgin when she was approach by the spirit. God did not have sex with Mary. Mary was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus. I would guess God could have chose many ways to do things, but he did chose the way he did.
2)        If Jesus is fully human and fully divine, as described in the scripture, I don’t see any reason that Jesus can’t grow. Oriental methodologies of God often offer a clear line between the divine and earthly. It is hard to use that point to view to look at the Judean-Christian concept of God. (that includes Judaism, Catholicism and mainstream Christianity)
3)        Jesus did die. I don’t think we have any dispute on that.

Let's keep this as discussions and hope we can learn something....

Mr. Yanmatthew, are you going to answer my question? or you are content to be the cut and paste guru?

[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-6-24 at 09:41 AM ]

Originally posted by yanmatthew2006 at 2005-6-21 09:32:

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-24 09:36:

Let me rephrase your q...

Thanks for your reply.  However, I think my Englsih is not enough to discus with you in Englsih for the religion.  I think I need to type in Chinese.  Moreover, I know you can read Chinese, right

You said

1)        The Christian God does not need a wife to bore Jesus. Mary is a virgin when she was approach by the spirit. God did not have sex with Mary. Mary was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus. I would guess God could have chose many ways to do things, but he did chose the way he did.

- 但我是指天上的個,唔係地上個。  地上的我明白,佛菩薩化現我們的世界的肉身也會老死,何況是神。  但我所知上帝、耶穌在天上也是這麼巨型,咁仲有上帝、耶穌要子女來做什麼?
hmm...not sure what you mean by 巨型.

But I do notice we seem to based our conversation on different platforms. You have your oriental one and I have my Ancient Near East one....

Thanks for the reading and reply though....I can really think in Chinese so my case would be very faulty if I was to conduct it in Chinese....my apology.

To Justin:

[ Last edited by smsboy on 2005-6-24 at 04:48 PM ]


註: 重點只在于"製造"和"知道"。

註: 請慎重留意﹐在以上的比諭中我並無加進"一切已預先編定"的因素。機械人的程式可以完全符合自由意志﹐亦可以如你所講0甘產生"無限個各不相同的未來"。


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