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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 被飛仔"兇"你會點做?
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o岩, 閃人就最好0 B+ _  N3 Z# r6 {7 [/ Y
8 F" \7 T8 T( [# p如果真係走唔到, 報警都係一個辦法, 但係驚唔驚佢會即時打鑊你之後快速閃人??
) x; X' [7 Q5 a2 B" i* Y4 A另外, 如果選擇閃人, 佢又吊住你尾, 咁就梗係走去人多,安全ge地方報警
我上兩年 CERT Level 放榜, 結果唔係咁好, 心情幾 down, then 自己一個人周圍行, 仲走到香港仔o個頭 (我住元朗的, 都唔知仲咩會去到咁遠), 行行o下有兩個金毛無 la la 話我對住佢地眼超超(其實我真係冇),仲行埋o黎問我係咪流打, 可能我心情真係唔好, 諗都冇諗就二話不說拿起連住條 key o既軍刀好快咁一野"湯" 落其中一個個心口到, 雖然見左紅, 但我諗傷口應該唔係好深,  另外一個見到咁樣好似好驚咁, 兩個一齊好快咁走左去, 而我全程都冇出過一句說話, 但諗番起都覺得好驚唔知自己 why 會咁大膽, 之後好快就過番海走人, 而 Cert Level 成績唔好呢個事實o係之後幾日都忘記左
我細個果時比一班飛仔老笠  佢之後講以後你就有佢地照
4 d2 q# {+ b( ^/ P6 Y- }比人蝦 就錠佢地朵出來  唔知講左咩騎咧名出來' ]6 N* M" i4 T  ~
最後問我  知唔知999系咩喔
Real experience: while walking home i overtake a man, taller then me. I m 1.74,think he is 1.8 big size wear spect , stout build. Suddenly he shout very loud at me.I 驚 .Cant make up wat he shouting.think is 4 letters words or wat. At first tot is shouting at someone but infront of me no other people. I keep walking slowly n just turn my head n look behind.This time he shout again. Confirmed is shouting at me! Usually I 驚 and wil 閃人 cos think he is a mad man but dun know why i become. I put up a fighting stand not directly infront of him but on his left side waiting for him to confront me but he didn't stop n  一支箭咁走左去. Now i become 飛仔.i chase up to him, walking side by side with him n STARE at him waiting for him to confront me.He didnt stop walking but just use his left side of his eye n glance at me About 10 steps or so i raise my voice n shoted very loud back at him:"WHY U SHOUT AT ME?" He bring down his ear phone n reply "i didnt shout at u." . I shout back "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT !" Then he put back his ear phone n carry on walking. I still not happy n shouted again at him "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT !"  n follow him. He stand at e traffic light n suddenly raise his voice n shout dun know wat?A lady beside him was shocked by his shout...... confirmed MAD man( l  v& {2 v0 Z, ~& [

7 @1 a1 a; r+ F% J  J8 o) d* {/ P[ Last edited by t8c8h8 on 2006-4-15 at 10:35 AM ]
I was waiting for him to attack me n i will just use my open plam n hit his jaw or lips region. No need to hit very hard just normal strength will do. His lips will hit his teeth n bleeds. This is very good especially when someone is strangling your neck. No need to struggle with him.Just give him one you have time to escape.Good to know esp. for gals!
得一個ge話踢完佢細路之後,就以100米9秒9ge speed走人!!
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 被飛仔"兇"你會點做?

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