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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » {討論}碧咸在國家隊的地位
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Terry is now the probably ranked 1st among all CB in England la wor
nearly automatic..(I say nearly because nobody knows what Ericsson thinks..)
but Rio is more dangerous la.
He got benced against Austria, remember??
seems the current order of CB is
1) Terry
2) Ferdinard
3) Campbell
4) Carragher,

so the chance of Terry being captain in future is obviously > Ferdinard la
+ Terry is more consistent and influential

Can you imagine there is a captain 玩高章 and then lose the ball for opponent to score??
so..I think Ferdinard chance is pretty slim..

After Beckham, it would probably be Owen for the short run...
Gerrard/Terry/Lampard in the long run..
Originally posted by bigfish at 2005-11-14 11:25 PM:

謝拉特係踢得好, 但成日唔出得
泰利連正選都未坐穩, 除非金寶退役
04之後, terry已經坐正,
04 EPL最佳球員, chelsea captain, 加埋england班報紙(艾力臣毫無主見)
campbell之失在於年齡, about 31 la...
除非terry重傷 (年輕df 好少重傷)or chelsea大滑落(無可能)
06 之後, campbell 淡出, terry就一定坐正

06之前, 艾力臣應該排beckham, owen, gary neville
06老將一去, 副就是Gerrard, Terry之間make choice.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » {討論}碧咸在國家隊的地位

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