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To me, I feel its really make sense that Liverpool couldn't enter ECC next year.
We all feel that Liverpool should enter next year's ECC just becoz we always keep in mind that "champion should enter next year's game automatically", but actually this idea will hurt the quality of the game.

Even u get the champion, it doesn't really means that you must be the best team for the whole europe this year.
A better reflection and a better guarantee of the quality of the game is to pick the highest ranking teams in each league.

World Cup has already changed its system and Brazil can no longer enter World Cup 2006 automatically. If Brazil is still a strong team, it can enter no matter how. If it can't, there is no point for it to enter World Cup 2006 and it will only degrade the overall quality.

Imagine, if Everton wins ECC next year and Liverpool gets the fourth ranking, I guess many ppl will argue again that Liverpool should enter ECC instead of Everton. Obviously, such a judgement comes from the feeling of "traditional strong team" of Liverpool.

Its totally unfair to sacrifice Everton for Liverpool in this case.
I respect Liverpool and its effort in ECC, but I still believe a system should not be changed.

P.S. the reason why Real Madrid could enter ECC even its not qualified in its own league is that the Spanish Soccer Association (sthg like that...haha) makes its choice to let Real Madrid to enter ECC. So back to Liverpool, English Soccer Association has already claimed that Everton will be its choice to represent England to play in ECC next year. So why does it still so many arguments? Its kinda like Liverpool forcing everyone to give it a place for ECC next year.
Originally posted by abc123aa at 2005-5-27 01:22 AM:
Originally posted by abc123aa at 2005-5-27 04:43 AM:

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » [NEWS]UEFA重申堅持唔會改例比利物浦參加下屆歐聯

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