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astros have rebounded btw lol

maybe we should start a hockey thread since the season's just started.
it looks like we'll have a interesting month of oct

as i've mentioned in the other post
i'm totally FOR no replays
for baseball is a game of tradition as bro grez had mentioned
and personal think that they are the hardest umpires to be (or ref. whatever)

for them to introduce replay that will affect the calls will totally kill the game
(haha, not all the changes in sports are good for the sport, look at NHL)

back on yesterdays game
i thought that wild pitch killed the game for the card.
despite of jim edmund's typical fly and catch
and the astro finally realize that lance berkman is not good enough to be the CF of important series, personally i think that change might let the astro to take it to gm7 (but Cards. will still advance)

as for hockey talks
sorri bro...soccer (non-national) and hockey are the pop. sport that mei doesnt' watch
but i'll try to support u guys when it's started
(btw, hockey is funner to watch these days, i like most of the rule changes except the goalie can't go behide thingE)
A side topic here :-)

Goals are up from 4.5 to 6.2 in the first 53 games of this young NHL season. I feel like we are living in the 80s when Gretzky and his Oilers ruled Lord Stanley's mud!

ya true about the constant changes in the nhl. It's obvious that they are doing this based on their business perspective, well of coz it smoothens the game up, and more goals scored is gonna attract more tix sales. So ya I dunno, it looks still a bit awkward to me to see the dmen ricochetting the puck all the way up front to forwards and creating a breakaway. It's like taking a rule away like when I play nhl05 and switch off 2 line passes lol. But no doubt that it's exciting. Nevertheless if they decide to switch back to the old system I'm ok with it too.

i didn't watch the chisox game today but i know lackey got his ass raped so it's like each team wins one game at a time now haha. Anyone had any comments on that particular game? On the NLCS, the astros should move berkman to RF he's too fat for a CF haha i think he now can't climb up to that little hill towards the end of the centerfield to dive for flyballs. He's a decent OF but I sense a bit of declining in his ability just my personal thought.

ok I'm gonna start a nhl thread and let's chat hockey there haha.
Originally posted by Windowpane at 2005-10-15 05:30 PM:
ya true about the constant changes ...
Well said brother...

Astros and Cards game on now...!

Well...it was a good game...Astros surprised me by clinically dismantled  the Cards...even though they got a scare in the 9th!

ChiSox and Angels game on now...but I have to be out there for dinner...

ya the cards just weren't able to score 1 more run to tie it too bad. You know the guy who caught burke's homers twice gave the balls back to clemens so they'll be stored in the fall of fame. That guy's got good hands haha.

chisox dominated the angels btw. Konerko jacked a 3 run baby just like what he did yesterday in top 1st so it was a deja vu. Then they went cruise control after that i think 8-2 is the final score.
I am a bit shock that Angels didn't pitch around Konerko today...and the guys paid dearly for the mistake.

I never like Clements...and he is no more than a greedy baseplayer now....his un-retirement took away the respect I had for him.

chisox and angels are tied at 3-3 on top of the 8th

astros are up 3-1 in the NLCS, one game away from completing their redemption lol, i guess a lot of us are 'dropping our glasses' now but the cards might come back
The Astro/Cards game sucked. I can't believe the umpire tossed Larussa out! And how about this guys' strike zone? Poor jim edmonds...got call swing-and-miss and later got toss out.....

bad bad bad officiating....

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » MLB Playoffs!!! (baseball)

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