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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008
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Originally posted by d228216 at 2006-9-5 01:03 AM:

there is 1000mb plan, but very expensive
~~~~~~~ back
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TriTri, last few weeks we had some games for people to earn point, now you have no more idea already?
Can we ask BoyBoy open a topic for us to post pretty girl photo there?
Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-9-5 10:57 AM:
TriTri, last few weeks we had some games for people to earn point, now you have no more idea already?
Can we ask BoyBoy open a topic for us to post pretty girl photo there?
School starts at September and all the members are busy with getting ready to go back school.  Welll, after they have settle down with their school schedule, they should start coming back here....

I have a couple of ideas but don't really like execute before boyboy coming back.  

Hopefully everything go ok with him....
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Someone told me that BoyBoy went to South America there 做男妓。。。
Oh, Sherry start school again...
Only left you and me, 两个基佬!
Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-9-5 11:36 AM:
Someone told me that BoyBoy went to South America there 做男妓。。。
Oh, Sherry start school again...
Only left you and me, 两个基佬!
Only left you and me, 一个正常,一个BigT食緊嫩草
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Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-9-5 11:38 AM:
Sherry, do you have Burberry handbeg?
Or you use Prada one?
Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-9-5 11:38 AM:
Hello, My Dear Little Lovely beautiful Moi,

Here is a Red Pocket that your TriTriMom give you for good luck for your first day school tomorrow.
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Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-9-5 11:29 AM:

I have a couple of ideas
I will wait for you...I need 3xx more points to download thing..This is Sad...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008

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