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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 01:49 PM:
  C' A, a! O, o- C; f) t0 I" O3 @7 ?: O% p1 s

* j! _$ f/ U& v6 CShe used to...life was too hard...work 18 hrs a day...7 days a week....no time to eat, sleep, spend $ and take vacations...it was hell
/ |7 s1 Z* Y# }: l4 p/ H
btw, how much comm bank are you holding? you are having it for long term right?
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 01:49 PM:
' t6 x9 ]4 e9 ]1 y$ K' |) B7 Z7 @; w) G1 d5 z" i
: B' h2 g: R; j/ G" z; O  m
She used to...life was too hard...work 18 hrs a day...7 days a week....no time to eat, sleep, spend $ and take vacations...it was hell
% _6 P/ e2 ?" T

& S3 X0 m0 q; F5 v0 Y  Y; Vhahaha it's all chargeable hours.  that how consulting firms make $$$ lor
i've been queuing for $2.7.........
Originally posted by rest365days at 2005-6-28 01:53 PM:# ~+ k' |! o/ G3 J; @! @

* v. L  I& |# y% A' n: r
: [$ e+ X* g  d: V8 whahaha it's all chargeable hours.  that how consulting firms make $$$ lor
# F4 G/ V6 s5 d! ohi rest365days..........everybody likes your name.
hey rest....good seeing you here...2 f: b1 K7 @8 v3 L. B# K' c1 y

9 X+ F& ]- ~" {+ _: t+ S" evivi...I have 2000 comm bank...gonna to hold it for long term.... 3328 is bullish today...2.80 still
6 p4 S0 B5 e0 c
7 a: O1 u6 W" T) _3 jBTW, 61 buck a barrel of oil today! holy cow!+ V+ w; S" X- w/ x7 ?( n( }
5 B  x+ E3 V% Z& X' t+ Y
[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-6-28 at 01:58 PM ]

haha, my name is my dream :-P
1 u/ y1 p) F; y0 d1 ?4 W# ?+ m' l9 Von trip for a week... very tired today.
hey guys, gotta go now.........talk to you later. 8 i& j. r2 R1 {* A: `
, i6 x9 R, d# T0 `
gretz, hv a great night and enjoy your expensive petrol over there.....or else get a car with diesel turbo, it will save you hell lot of money. C U.
Originally posted by crap at 2005-6-28 01:04 PM:
) ~, |4 {7 @. c% X% O0 N
# V4 i& G8 F1 X2 f. er u trying to kick me away?1 j8 t) d3 Y- |+ U: ?. i
u see.... there's CEO, and then you,- A4 I8 ]( N  y  n  F9 P) A6 o
i'm a tiny ant in front of u guys =.=
+ Q# ?! P) ?4 O3 ^

$ L: O1 @' Q: j. k- b. u5 ]; y+ Uno, CEO will lead the way and you will be helping him out.  I, on the other hand, will be a small potato hiding in the dark shadow ...
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 01:33 PM:6 e1 {5 d4 C' V3 C- X$ ?$ y3 l( L; C% ^
3 S3 d; }/ `" A* B4 W
Well said ceo....it's always a ...
4 @1 v6 K* h5 y- {$ E' F' y2 I  r5 r  G
Hi Gretzky, I am not too worried about the liability.  Afterall, the person who I will give advices to won't see the consequences until a few years later ... $ M1 x& n6 ^# [1 z
& V2 ]3 a9 ^& z" A
I only concern about not knowing enough to help out.  Also, I can't really commit as I can't tell for sure when I will have time.  I don't mind dropping by whenever I am free though.  That's why being backup to CEO and crap probably suit me the best.3 W4 M. k3 {, i* r' l# ]

5 x% C: {8 ?$ w; d5 tAs crap said, I've never worked for Andresen.  And I really don't know much about IT.  
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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