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Sarah Michelle Gellar與M記的恩怨


1982年當Sarah只得4歲的時候,她為Burger King拍咗個廣告,廣告中Sarah鼓起肥嘟嘟嘅面蛋說:「我只吃Burger King,不吃麥當勞。」這一句話令麥當勞將Burger King和4歲的Sarah一同告上法庭,並且永久禁止Sarah進入麥當勞快餐店。估唔到一間跨國集團竟然咁小氣,連一個4歲小女孩都唔放過。

幸好,10幾年之後Sarah喺演藝界有些少成就,由她主演嘅電視劇《Buffy the Vampire Slayer》收視非常好,就連麥當勞都要爭住做呢套劇嘅首席廣告商。至此,Sarah總算出番一口氣。


sarahmichellegellar.jpg (42.3 KB)
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我只吃Burger King,不吃麥當勞。」

hey, this slogan mentioned the name of McDonalds'......of course McDonalds' has the right to accuse Burger King

there is nothing wrong with it
Can you tell us where the source is for this story?  I find it hard to believe McDonald's would sue them because its name is mentioned in the ad.

In the U.S., it's totally fine for a company to mention competitors' name or use their image in the ads (Coke/Pepsi, Budweiser/Miller) as long as the company doesn't make any false claims against the competitors in the ads.

If in this, Burger King simply feature Sarah saying 'I only eat Burger King but not McDonald's', it's only Sarah stating her opinion.  McDonald's of course can ban Sarah from going to any McDonald's, but I think McDonald's simply sued to get publicity.
Originally posted by audurey at 2006-8-23 12:33 AM:
Originally posted by stockman at 2006-8-23 06:39 AM:
Can you tell us where the source is...
Originally posted by slwong3 at 2006-8-23 06:21 AM:
我只吃Burger King,不吃麥當勞。」

hey, this slogan mentioned the name of McDonalds'......of course McDonalds' has the right to accuse Burger King

there is nothing wrong with it
You are right. But McDonald's was so narrow-minded to sue a 4-year-old kid.

Didn't realize it was the first commercial to mention a competitor's name.  Maybe that's what prompted McDonald's to sue.

Burger-wise Burger King's burger does taste better than anything McDonald's has, even though it's still junk food.
Originally posted by audurey at 2006-8-23 06:48 AM:

How about the prosecution? Did Mcdonald win?
Actually I like Burger King too but now can only enjoy it at airport
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【飲食區】 » Sarah Michelle Gellar與M記的恩怨

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