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which NBA player surprise you the most this season so far ....

my vote on Grant Hill
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
Amare Stoudemire -> 57%FG 26ppg 2.6bpg ?!

Carlo Boozer -> becoming Malone v2.0
1) Nash (Pho)
2) Amare Stoudemire (Pho)
3) Rashard Lewis  (Sea)
4) Danny Fortson (Sea)
Kyle Korver

其實 Grant Hill 唔傷
Mcgredy - so bad performance
Matt Bonner (Tor)
Alston (Tor)
[quotefrom="wilwilwil"]Matt Bonner (Tor)
Alston (Tor)
Matt Bonner (Toronto-Raptors)

Alston...ok la...
Street ball 王, D cross-overs 同 spins , 勁
不過講真, D Pass 真係麻麻, 交唔到俾Rose&VC

看來老兄您都係From toronto  

Go Raps
and DON'T trade VC


好慘地唔可以讚任何一個raptor (well...maybe matt bonner, the red rocket)

本人就認為 Miami's Wade is having a gr8 season
like Iverson and Steve Francis 合一

仲有"天子"Lebron...sigh...如果Carter肯好似佢咁爆籃, 我就開心到死~~~
carter basicly is a non factor for Raptors now, which really disappointted me, i been waiting toronto to have a good team together, and finally we have a decent one ( well, and east is weaker than west .. that help too ) out STAR player dont even want to drive in and dunk ( he said that in public eventhough he later claim he was joking .... )
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
Raptors should trade vince carter away. I mean, the guy doesn't even want to play their anymore. Before when people criticise his work ethic, he had sheer talent to make up for it. Now, he's just a spoiled unmotivated cancer on the team. The Raptors don't need his constant frowning, and more importantly, don't need him to win (ie. VC benched during 4th quarters). I think his negative approach to the game is a bad influence on the team's younger players (ie. Bosh, Bonner).

And by the way, I think the future of the Raptors is in Bosh's hands.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » which NBA player surprise you the most this season so far ....

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