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阿仙奴門將列文將繼續留效, 佢已經決定唔會番去多蒙特.....
今季阿蒙尼亞表現好, 佢都唔洗指議有正選啦, 但佢又唔走, 唔通佢唔想踢歐國盃......?

Borussia Dortmund today announced their move for Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann has broken down with the Germany international opting to remain with the Premier League leaders.

Lehmann's Arsenal contract expires in the summer and Gunners boss Arsene Wenger said he would not stand in his way should he opt to return to Dortmund.

But the 38-year-old has vowed to fight for his place at the Emirates Stadium.

(copy from soccernet.com)
I guess he has very less chance to play even he stay, as Fabianski will be the second choice keeper after almunia as wenger is likely to make youngster to play on his first eleven team
Fabianski will still be third choice, and will likely only play in the Carling Cup.
So it'll still be Lehmann sitting on the bench in all other matches.
Maybe he'd think about retirement in Arsenal???
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!

Lehmann forced to stay here although he wants to return to Germany. It is because only Dortmund bid him but the Dortmund fans dislike him because he played for their rival club -- Schalke 04 for a long time and his disciplinary record in Dortmund is also bad, do you still remember he fought his teammate -- Evanilson during a League match? That's why he only can stay at Arsenal and see what things will happen then ......
You'll Never Walk Alone
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 列文留效阿仙奴

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