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(BBC) 利物浦班主再集資3億5000萬鎊

http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/ ... verpool/7203724.stm

Liverpool duo complete £350m deal  

Liverpool's American owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett have completed the £350m refinancing deal to secure their Anfield future, BBC Sport understands.

The financial package is expected to help the duo repay money borrowed for their £218.9m takeover in March 2007.

It also means that the club can finally launch their long-awaited plan for a new stadium at Stanley Park.

BBC sports editor Mihir Bose said £60m of the package will provide the start-up money for the new ground.

The deal, which is expected to be announced on Friday, underlines the pair's determination to remain at Anfield despite interest from Dubai International Capital (DIC), the investment arm of the Dubai government.

Hicks will also feel he will be in a stronger position should he decide to sell in the future, dealing a blow to DIC's hopes of mounting a swift bid to take control of the club.
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