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he is so fukcing stupid~~~

PS:News from yahoo
disgrace to chinese ppl. go home la retard boy
yeah, and i dont understand why people wanna spend money on his cd album, i heard it was sold out in the US.....shxt
In US, there're 10x more reporters than just 3 in HK, tell that HK reporter to PK la. if he wanna make fun with someone, go for it but this is not nice. He has 3 security guards around him in UCB ga.
In US, there're 10x more reporters than just 3 in HK, tell that HK reporter to PK la. if he wanna make fun with someone, go for it but this is not nice. He has 3 security guards around him in UCB ga.[/quote]

hk reporters are smart, they dont waste time and energy on a retarded dumbass who disgraces all chinese people.

having 3 security gurads doesnt mean anything. Bin Laden prolly has 10x more. so what ?
he's smart to have body guards around him, i seriously wanna beat the crap outta him...or at least throw rotten tomatos/eggs.
[quotefrom="kobekobe"]In US, there're 10x more reporters than just 3 in HK, tell that HK reporter to PK la. if he wanna make fun with someone, go for it but this is not nice. He has 3 security guards around him in UCB ga.
They like him just as children want to see animal in zoo . Don't make him as all Chinese , we don't like to share the joy from him. :?
Sorry to say this but: fcuk the US ppl,always think they r the man. But chinese ppl should behave themselves more.... aiiii where i studied the chinese ppl r juz fcuked up so bad.........
well chinese ppl arent bad....and US ppl arent that stupid...calm down

just that in every culture there are always ppl who will cause disgrace to the whole culture, in chinese case - will hung.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 笑爆肚開心笑話區 » 7head~孔慶翔

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