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[發埋便] Italy v Romania, Holland v France

So sorry for the betting of last night.
dead entirely.

Italy can't lose tonight. And I personally think if they didnt concede the controversial first goal that night to Holland, they wouldnt lose 3 goals.
They're playing 4-3-2-1, it is hard for them to play attacking football. (no wingers). all passings came from middle, occasionally there're some side attacks, but with Toni alone, it's hard to get them in.
When both side backs attacked, plenty of places left at the back. The tiredness of gattuso couldnt help much when Holland made counter attack. There then came the 2nd and 3rd goal.
Everyone says Holland played brillant football and Italy played so badly. I personally think that when there's a first goal in this kind of tight match. It becomes to hard for the losing team to do the attack since the opposite team gets good quality for the counter attack. When the losing side couldnt make the goal in front, they would soon concede more goals at the back. As a conclusion, I believe Italy is not that bad and predict a win for them tonight against Romania.
Italy 3 - 1 Romania

Even though France couldnt get a win in last match, there is a point to notice that they havent conceded any goal from the last 5 matches.
歐國盃 09/06/2008 中 和 羅馬尼亞 0:0
友賽     03/06/2008 主 勝 哥倫比亞 1:0
友賽     31/05/2008 主 和 巴拉圭 0:0
友賽     27/05/2008 主 勝 厄瓜多爾 2:0
友賽     26/03/2008 主 勝 英格蘭 1:0
友賽     06/02/2008 客 負 西班牙 0:1
But it is also important to find out that their attacking play is not that good. 4 goals in 6 matches.

On the other hand, Holland:
歐國盃 09/06/2008 中 勝 意大利 3:0
友賽     01/06/2008 主 勝 威爾斯 2:0
友賽     29/05/2008 主 和 丹麥 1:1
友賽     24/05/2008 主 勝 烏克蘭 3:0
友賽     26/03/2008 客 勝 奧地利 4:3
友賽     06/02/2008 客 勝 克羅地亞 3:0
歐國外  21/11/2007 客 負 白俄羅斯 1:2

Notice that when Holland conceded goal, their performace in the match wouldnt be good.(see red)
Draw Denmark 1:1
Win Austria 4-3
lost WRussia 1:2

Also, the level of France opponents are generally higher than Holland's.

To make a conclusion from the above information.
If Holland couldnt make a goal in the first half,
0:1, 0:2 France win.
If Holland goal in the first half,
1:0, 1:1 Holland win, draw.

My tonight prediction:
Italy 3 - 1 Romania and
Holland 0 - 1 France or
Holland 0 - 2 France

##dont blame me for any incorrectness, as these are just my personal prediction##

[ Last edited by Kev on 2008-6-13 at 04:11 PM ]


Originally posted by Kev at 2008-6-13 03:53 PM:
So sorry for the betting of last ni...

多谢你为 球[財]版出心水```


Good luck everyone.


goodluck.JPG (45.8 KB)
630 x 486 PIXEL下載





good luck tonight





GL !
Hope we can collect money from hkjc tonight


Originally posted by Kev at 2008-6-13 03:53 PM:
So sorry for the betting of last ni...
Notice that when Holland conceded goal, their performace in the match wouldnt be good.(see red)
Draw Denmark 1:1
Win Austria 4-3
lost WRussia 1:2

you have to notice that it is because they performed badly, that's why they conceded the goals.....

I think you should think in the other way around.....

My pridictions (probably not going to happen)

Italy 3-0 Romania
Holland 2-0 France

[ Last edited by slwong3 on 2008-6-13 at 08:08 PM ]


my prediction:
Italy 0-1 Romania
Holland 2-0 France


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » Italy v Romania, Holland v France

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