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headphone question

is it a waste if i use headphones like "AKG k701" or "sennheiser 6xx" for mp3?
a bit may be if just 196k for your mp3 recording

a good isolation or reduction of noise will be more important for outdoor use
I use SHURE SE530 for AAC 320kbps (ipod).  Fantastic.
原帖由 Kev 於 2008-9-16 11:00 PM 發表
is it a waste if i use headphones like "AKG k701" or "sennheiser 6xx" for mp3?
certainly not waste, earphones sound is difference from loudspeaker sound, earphones is easy to drive, use sony / kenwood / ipod nano with a good earphones is very joyful.
how about if i use headphones for portable mp3 players like ipod?
should i just use normal in-ear ones?
or can i use headphone like AKG k701 for an ipod?
will it be a bit wierd?
原帖由 Kev 於 2008-9-17 10:01 PM 發表
how about if i use headphones for portable mp3 players like ipod?
should i just use normal in-ear ones?
or can i use headphone like AKG k701 for an ipod?
will it be a bit wierd?
i use Westone UM2 for ipod nano, very good, although K701 is big headphones, still easy to drive, use with ipod also no problem.
而家用ATH-A1000 and ATH-W1000
日本仔野外型靚仔 帶得舒服, 而且容易推得起, 用ipod推d聲都出到8~9成功力, 一個字店
但開放式的ATH不是made in japan要少心


原帖由 d228216 於 2008-9-17 10:58 PM 發表

i use Westone UM2 for ipod nano, very good, although K701 is big headphones, still easy to drive, use with ipod also no problem.
i have changed my mind not to buy bulky headphones at this moment..
coz im currently using sennheiser PX100 n still find it quite hard to handle sometimes when hanging around.

currently deciding to buy either UM or SHURE.
feel like SHURE is a better brand, however lots of ppl recommend UM1 / 2.
for similar prices, should i get a SHURE 310/420 or UM2 ?
seems that i shouldnt spend too much for a pair of earphones for an ipod coz,
i read something like "ipod doesnt have enough power to "push" nice earphones"
is that correct?

sorry for asking so much ques.. im new in these kind of stuffs..
afriad that i would spend money on the wrong thing and since it is not just a small sum of money, thats y..
原帖由 Kev 於 2008-9-30 06:33 AM 發表
i have changed my mind not to buy bulky headphones at this moment..
coz im currently using sennheiser PX100 n still find it quite hard to handle sometimes when hanging around.

currently deciding to  ...
買呢d 野要試過先知既
其他人介紹比你, 只係可以令你縮細個選擇範圍


就好似admin大佬講果隻 ATH-A1000 同 ATH-W1000 為例
基本上係同級數, 但係聲低就大大不同
ATH-A1000 就偏向清聲,
ATH-W1000 就偏向有暖聲
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » headphone question

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