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拉 素 會 長 洛 迪 圖 警 告 , 如 果 當 局 不 容 許 該 會 分 期 繳 交 近 17 億 ( 1.2 億 鎊 ) 稅 款 , 拉 素 將 無 可 奈 何 地 在 本 月 23 日 宣 布 破 產 。

    洛 迪 圖 接 受 電 台 訪 問 時 說 ﹕ 「 按 計 劃 我 們 要 於 本 月 23 日 前 繳 交 稅 款 的 首 期 。 但 如果 當 局 不 接 受 的 話 , 拉 素 被 迫 將 事 件 交 予 破 產 審 裁 處 , 而 這 間 球 會 將 就 此 結 束 。 當局 現 時 要 決 定 的 是 , 接 受 我 們 首 期 稅 款 或 任 由 拉 素 破 產 。 事 實 上 , 法 例 是 容 許 拉 素作 出 申 請 , 我 們 也 有 此 必 要 。 」

    根 據 意 大 利 法 例 , 有 財 政 危 機 的 公 司 是 可 向 有 關 部 門 申 請 分 期 繳 交 稅 款 , 以 讓企 業 渡 過 難 關 。 但 博 洛 尼 亞 等 球 會 就 反 對 , 繼 續 讓 拉 素 借 法 律 來 拖 延 其 財 政 問 題 。

    洛 迪 圖 就 指 , 拉 素 這 樣 做 是 為 保 障 股 東 利 益 ﹕ 「 我 們 不 是 要 求 有 優 待 , 只 是 這 樣 做 才 可 保 證 拉 素 小 股 東 的 利 益 。 」

    倘 若 拉 素 真 是 於 本 月 23 日 宣 布 破 產 , 該 隊 下 屆 將 不 可 繼 續 角 逐 意 甲 比 賽 。 因 為 聯賽 當 局 早 前 已 宣 布 , 所 有 球 會 要 在 3 月 底 前 呈 交 財 政 保 證 才 可 參 與 下 屆 賽 事 。 以 往拿 玻 里 和 費 倫 天 拿 均 曾 因 無 法 遞 交 財 政 保 證 , 最 終 被 罰 降 班 作 賽 。
The value standard seems to be different nowadays....

In the 80~90', most of the ppl understand that they need to properly set and strictly follow their budget and achieve their financial balance in the society. If the corporation finally get in liquidation/winding-up, no one would have complain/challenge on the Gov't as it was caused by their insufficient experience(too green) in the market...

Nowadays, step into 21-century, ppl like to use any ridiculous excuse to blame on the others. In HK, for those well-condition youth who can't find a good job and then blame on the Gov't's strategy. For those investors who have the properties which are suffered the financial-crisis in 1997, they complain on Gov't's strategy again. Why do they not complain in 80~90'? That's because the youth can easily find a job even they have no skill at all. You can easily find a job(e.g. clerk) which salary can be up to $8000~9000 for a freshman. Also for those investors, they can also gain a huge profit in the property market no matter it has already been under unhealthy condition at that moment and Gov't had already announced such situation not in once time!!!

And now, I know this "great" spirit is spread over the world. I can only say:
You have to suffer what you had done in before
There is no free lunch in our world...no matter your reason seems to be benefit to the public!!!
Fioentina did it before....
but the previous owner did corruption... so the team should be punished by that.

i'm back....
it takes 3 bloody weeks to get the internet REconnected here in Australia....

it's really upset to hear this....
although such news comes up every month..
but they are really in deep poo now...
and i think sooner or later they'll really go backrupt..

i'm a big fans of them since 1998.....
i could still remember the time they won the double in 99-00...
the line up with the strongest mid-field in Serie A at that time...
the classic 4-4 drew with AC Milan...
the free kick hat-trick by Mihajlovic...
and the best line up ever with...

Negro   Stam   Nesta    Pancaro(sorin)
Conciecao  Simeone  Veron   Nedved
Crespo(Vieri)   Lopez(salas)

the Roma derby today is 1000 times worse than b4..........
you forget someone was great in Lazio, Lamberdo!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
hahhaha.. Veron!!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-16 10:57 PM:
hahhaha.. Veron!!!!
Oh Yeah.. Stam... silly me...!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 拉素瀕破產

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