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AC 米蘭中場加度素將會考慮於未來轉會曼聯。

廿六歲的加度素將於周二替 AC 米蘭出戰曼聯,首回合該支意甲勁旅領先一比零。








加度素澄清 傳聞只屬英傳媒虛構
Milan star Gennaro Gattuso has denied that he stated a desire to join Manchester United in the near future.

The Rossoneri midfielder was interviewed ahead of their UEFA Champions League last 16 second leg clash with United at The Giuseppe Meazza on Tuesday.
However, Gattuso now claims that he was 'misunderstood' by The Mail on Sunday.
"I haven't said I want to go to Manchester," Gattuso explained to Telelombardia.
"I said that English football fascinates me, but I haven't any intention to leave.
"I've only spoken about the possibility of leaving, when Milan decide they don't want me. But while they want me, I'll surely stay.
"I don't see why I'd have to leave the team that allowed me to become a big player and to win many things."
Explaining the quotes which appeared in England, the former Rangers star said he was misquoted.
"The journalist asked me a question saying that [Roy] Keane is set to hang up his boots and that the coach [Sir Alex Ferguson] appreciated me," he opined.
"I told him that I was flattered by this, but surely I have never said I want to leave Milan. I've never said even a similar thing."
so u can see.. I don't say anything after I read this news.. (joking)
but it's not far away from my expect, espeically before a big game, they have some silly news like this many times before.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 加度素渴望轉會曼聯

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