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Nets 冇乜希望,寄望姚明‧‧‧

自 Barkley 退休,我得番 Jason Kidd,而家仲搞成咁‧‧‧唯有支持姚明‧‧‧
呵呵,贏左 Bulls~~~
why do u like those 2 this much lei???
no new stars can capture your heart mei??
Barkley... I like him because of his hard working. Obviously, he's extremely undersized. He always play against other who is half foot taller than him, but he still recorded impressive career numbers: 2X pts, 1X rebs. Although he said he is not a role model in the Nike Ad, but IMHO, he is a role model for everyone in real life: never give up, especially when you are facing a huge problem.

For Jason Kidd, I like him because I played like him hahaha.... rebs, assist, poor FG%, high TO.... (really same, especially the last 2 categories)

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2005-3-18 at 08:56 PM ]
you were talking about Sir Charles in 1980s in 76ers? or in 90s in Suns/Rockets?
he changed his style in his career
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
From 76ers to Rockets. Yes he did change his style, but he can't change his height. His opponents were still higher than him in his entire career.
win Jazz.... kekeke
of cos, that's why I respect him a lot.
poor him that he couldn't win in 92-93 Suns, that's the best team in that year.
but Bulls won it in Finals.. (yes, that year, Suns was better than Bulls)
poor Sir Charles
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Nets 冇乜希望,寄望姚明‧‧‧

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