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Mourihno talking about Arseanl and Wenger..very funny..

Sorry.. in English..

Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has thrown his backing behind Manchester United for their FA Cup final against Arsenal.
Mourinho wishes Portuguese countrymen Cristiano Ronaldo and Carlos Queiroz to shine but also enthused on his relationship with Sir Alex Ferguson.

"I respect him, but not just respect, I like him," Mourinho told BBC Sport in a documentary to be televised on Monday.

"He is a person to fight with but a person that when a game ends we share a glass of wine and speak openly."

He added: "He is a very correct person and he teaches me a few things.

When Wenger says he likes other Chelsea teams much more than our team I know why - because we are the champions
Jose Mourinho  
"I also have a strong relationship with Sir Alex. I think a man like him deserves silverware year after year.

"I would like Manchester United to win. I have no problem to say that."

Mourinho led Chelsea to the Premiership title and a Carling Cup win this season in his first campaign in English football.

And while he has bonded with Ferguson his rapport with Wenger remains distant.


"I don't know him well, so I think it's not fair to speak about someone I don't know personally," added Mourinho.

"When he says he likes other Chelsea teams much more than our team I know why - because we are the champions. He preferred the other way when they were the champions.

"I didn't like Arsenal at the start of the season when they smashed everybody and I don't like them now when they beat Everton 7-0 and they win.

"But I liked them very much in the middle of the season when every weekend they lost points.

"I was in love with them then, so I can understand why Arsene doesn't like us."
hahahahaaaa... highlight is "But I liked them very much in the middle of the season when every weekend they lost points. this is sooo funny
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