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Alan smith

Al ain't clever
Alan Smith has been warned that refusing to play for England was “not the cleverest thing to do”. The Manchester United star’s international career under Sven Goran Eriksson looks over after he rejected a squad call-up for tomorrow’s friendly in Denmark. FA chief executive Brian Barwick said: “It’s probably not the cleverest thing he has done. I never got the opportunity to play for England. He was given the opportunity to play for England and has chosen to play elsewhere — so it is a disappointment.” Striker Smith, 24, told Eriksson he would rather play a full 90 minutes for United’s reserves than a late cameo role for his country.
Shaun Custis, The Sun

I'll always be United
Paul Scholes aims to finish his career at Manchester United. The midfielder signed a four-year contract extension on Friday and will have been at Old Trafford for 20 years by the time it expires. Scholes, 30, said: "I can't imagine playing for any other club. I suppose Phil Neville was saying exactly the same thing 12 months ago but I certainly don't want to play for anyone else. The new contract has taken a while to do but I didn't want it dragging on too much and I am delighted with it. Now it is out of the way I can concentrate fully on my football."
Gavin Glicksman, The Sun

Reds follow Ashes
The Manchester United contingent watching the third Ashes Test at the 'other' Old Trafford included Gary Neville, Roy Keane, Sir Alex Ferguson and Sir Bobby Charlton. Surprisingly, Irishman Keane has been United's most regular cricket-watcher, even turning up at low-key county games after training.
Charles Sale, Daily Mail


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Alan smith

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