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Fergie rules out Ballack bid(冇中文)

Sir Alex Ferguson has ruled out a move for Bayern Munich midfielder Michael Ballack.

Michael Ballack: In demand - but not in Manchester.

The 29-year-old Germany skipper is out of contract in the summer and United were thought to be among a host of leading clubs trying to secure his services.

However, while Ferguson confirmed there had been talks with the player's representatives, the United boss revealed he is now looking elsewhere.

'We have considered it for quite a few weeks,' said Ferguson. 'We have had filter-004ions with his people and I think he is a great player.

'But he is similar to players who play in that position for us already like Wayne Rooney and Paul Scholes and we want to target players in other positions.'

Ferguson is acutely concerned at the lack of depth in his squad.

After suffering a spate of injuries during the opening weeks of the campaign, at times United have been operating with only 12 senior players.

Although the injury crisis is now easing and Gary Neville and Louis Saha are in the squad to face West Ham on Sunday, Ferguson knows he needs to bring in some new faces.

'The biggest problem for us is numbers,' he said. 'We have been operating with a lot of young players in the team and we badly need a stronger squad.

'That is why we are targeting a couple of other positions.'

Ferguson is acutely concerned at the lack of depth in his squad.

After suffering a spate of injuries during the opening weeks of the campaign, at times United have been operating with only 12 senior players.

Although the injury crisis is now easing and Gary Neville and Louis Saha are in the squad to face West Ham on Sunday, Ferguson knows he needs to bring in some new faces.

'The biggest problem for us is numbers,' he said. 'We have been operating with a lot of young players in the team and we badly need a stronger squad.

'That is why we are targeting a couple of other positions.'

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Fergie rules out Ballack bid(冇中文)

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