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NBA News Updated (3-7)

Camby agrees to multiyear deal with Nuggets

Marquis Daniels, a restricted free agent, agreed Friday to a six-year deal worth roughly $38 million and top draft pick Devin Harris signed a contract for at least $7 million over three years.

Malone's agent denies retirement report

Jerome Kersey was hired as an assistant coach for the Milwaukee Bucks on Friday. Kersey spent last season with the Portland Trail Blazers as their director of player programs following his retirement as a player.

The 76ers signed first-round pick Andre Iguodala on Friday

The Cleveland Cavaliers on Friday signed their first-round pick, forward Luke Jackson, the 10th selection in last month's draft.

Todd and Mitchell worked together the past two seasons as assistant coaches in Milwaukee. Todd has also been an assistant and an interim coach with the Los Angeles Clippers.

The Jazz will have restricted free agent Manu Ginobili in Salt Lake City on Saturday. Ginobili visited the Denver Nuggets on Friday. Utah has more than $20 million in cap room available.

The Pistons have offered free agent center Mehmet Okur a six-year, $40 million contract to stay in Detroit. The Utah Jazz and Phoenix Suns are expected to make offers for Okur.

The Celtics are in heavy pursuit of free agent center Adonal Foyle, according to a source. Foyle met with the Celtics on Thursday.

The Hawks have contacted restricted free agent Hedo Turkoglu and may be prepared to make him a significant offer in the next few days. Turkoglu received a qualifying offer from the Spurs this week that allows them to match any offer he receives.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA News Updated (3-7)

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