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NBA News Updated (9-7)

Celtics re-sign C Blount to $41m, six-year deal. In his fourth NBA season, Blount averaged 10.3 points and 7.2 rebounds, doubling his production in each category from a year earlier. The 7-foot center also blocked 1.3 shots per game and shot 56 percent from the field.

Former 76ers forward Brian Skinner is returning to Philadelphia for a deal that could be worth $25 million over five years

Jazz and unrestricted free agent center Carlos Boozer have agreed on a six-year, $68 million offer sheet.

Re: NBA News Updated (9-7)

[quotefrom="hermit"]Jazz and unrestricted free agent center Carlos Boozer have agreed on a six-year, $68 million offer sheet.
連炸彈人(Boozer)也有平均千萬年薪?my God!~
becoz Boozer is young and average near double double ma...
good fit in Jazz la..
Don't open a new subject every day on the same topic .
This is very irritating!
[quotefrom="jonaleung"]Don't open a new subject every day on the same topic .
This is very irritating!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA News Updated (9-7)

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