請教高手::help:家有2部電腦(A-desktop),(B-laptop),用router(Linksys WRT54G)連在一起,
但每當B腦在download & online 的時候,A腦速度變得超慢,有時甚至上唔到網!!:confused:
要重新restart router先無事,但隔一陣又黎過,成日要restart router好煩. :cry::cry:
請問高手點解會0甘,有無解决方法. THANK YOU~ does your laptop use filter-032less or filter-032?
also, when your desktop gets connection, will it affect the laptop too?
and if only your destop is running, will it be disconnected?
tell me more details about it
It might be the problem of your router....(not the setting but hardware problem, if this is the case then buy a new one).... [quote]Originally posted by [i]slwong3[/i] at 2006-2-8 08:44 AM:
does your laptop [color=Red]use filter-032less or filter-032?[/color]
also, when your desktop gets connection, will it affect the laptop too?
and if only your destop is running, will it be disconnected?
tell me more details about it
It might be the problem of your router....(not the setting but hardware problem, if this is the case then buy a new one)....
當desktop gets connection, laptop一樣有connection,但當laptop download緊野既時候
(通常用bitcomet & flashget),desktop's connection就開始變慢,and then慢慢冇哂connection.
[color=Red]It might be the problem of your router....[/color]之前試過用router連接desktop only,幾日來都冇disconnect,但一接上laptop之後就唔掂,但奇怪如果laptop唔download野,就好似冇呢個問題,but not sure.:(:(
[[i] Last edited by garycheung on 2006-2-8 at 11:17 AM [/i]] 請問你用甚麼Window版本;
嘗試重新設定家用網絡,不要設定經任何電腦才可上網,看可否解決問題 [quote]Originally posted by [i]singleung1956[/i] at 2006-2-8 11:38 AM:
thank you~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]garycheung[/i] at 2006-2-8 11:46:
thank you~~ [/quote]
[quote](通常[color=Blue]用bitcomet & flashget[/color]),desktop's connection就開始變慢,and then慢慢冇哂connection.[/quote]
用呢軟件好容易令部router hang 機(我估係因為流量太大)~
[[i] Last edited by coolala2005 on 2006-2-8 at 09:23 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]coolala2005[/i] at 2006-2-8 09:22 PM:
一定冇好下場 [/quote]
吓,我日日bt架.....有無辦法解決:cry::cry: 好似曾經有人問過差唔多嘅問題,我亦好似揾過啲資料俾佢。。。喺呢度?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-2-9 01:25 PM:
好似曾經有人問過差唔多嘅問題,我亦好似揾過啲資料俾佢。。。[color=Red]喺呢度??[/color] [/quote]
are you sure:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-2-9 01:25 PM:
好似曾經有人問過差唔多嘅問題,我亦好似揾過啲資料俾佢。。。喺呢度?? [/quote]
我搜索過但無相關info,please:help::help::help: 佢話喺宿舍用嘅~ [url]http://bbs.chinaemu.org/htm_data/25/0502/20081.html[/url]
——設置PORT MAP [quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-2-9 02:12 PM:
[url]http://bbs.chinaemu.org/htm_da... [/quote]
我ga問題係:當B電腦在bt & download的時候,A電腦速度變得超慢,甚至死機:(
原因係router問題? or laptop問題? or bt download問題?
thanks for help~ [quote]假设你的ADSL的带宽是2M,路由器上的四个LAN口每个平均分得0.5M,这个值远远低于通过集线器上网的用户的理论传输最大速率,而且每个LAN口并不是固定分得四分之一带宽,而是动态的[/quote]
一个人在BT下载很可能造成另一个人无法使用网络,因为BT很占用资源和宽带 至于BT的速度,再怎么超频,网络提供商还是限制了速度[/quote]
再用LALA講嘅: 用bitcomet & flashget時最好唔好用盡個帶寬,留返啲好~~
ps:喺兩部腦同ROUTER之間加個SWITCH,可能會感覺好啲(SWITCH到電腦嘅速度係獨享)會增加你嘅成本.:P [quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-2-9 05:51 PM:
ps:喺兩部腦同ROUTER之間加個SWITCH,可能會感覺好啲(SWITCH到電腦嘅速度係獨享)會增加你嘅成本. [/quote]
呢個方法我試過,唔係好work:crybye: 咁只能喺用bitcomet & flashget時最好唔好用盡個帶寬,留返啲好~
:crybye: [quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-2-10 10:33 AM:
咁只能喺用bitcomet & flashget時最好唔好用盡個帶寬,留返啲好~
:crybye: [/quote]
thank you~~gergermen:) router問題
bt會令一些router host 死 [quote]Originally posted by [i]whoirdke[/i] at 2006-2-16 02:50 AM:
bt會令一些router host 死 [/quote]
0甘有無辦法ar:confused: add switch will more better, nothing to setup.