want to ask
i know one girl,and i have her phone no.sometimes i call her she will answer,and she sometimes will call me also
and i ask is it she have a BF and she just smile
and laught and ask me "why you ask this?"
and i say "cos i want to chase u "
and she just say "dun play la"
so we just keep on this relationship
and today i saw her and her BF,but she can't saw me
so...in this case brothers will you give up or not??
PS.i dun know how to type chinese ,,,sorry..~!:clap: 我覺得個女仔想同你keep住做朋友, 所以提起d 男女朋友問題都避而不答, 或者扮get 唔到.
因為佢已經有男友, 所以我個人認為你可以死左條心, 無謂做第3者.
就算真係追到人返黎, 都難保遲d 會有相同0既事情發生係自己身上:dev:
如果要等個女仔,亦勸你考慮清楚, 因為人地未必會散 + 將來會揀你做佢男友, 所以可能會浪費青春時間, 同埋長期0既心理上折磨. 不過如果你真係好愛佢, 覺得值得 咁就見仁見智la~ :good: 但俾著我都係"痛"個零兩個月..:giveup: 之後又一條好漢.
不過話時話, 你係咪真係確定係街度見到果個係佢男友, 唔係陣間搞錯ar~ 我都唔確定架.但我見到佢"橋"住佢行咋.."橋"住仲唔係咩...