唔知係唔係真既呢? Yes, I saw the when I was young, ~11yrs.
Thats my mum shown me, as i remember 觀音 is in white clothing, standing on a green dragon.
I wont forget this coz my mum told me thats real n i starring on that photo for few mins, the impression was deep n strong, it look real(like a real photo). As u look at it u feel weird, but ca explain the feeling.
I was try to find that photo again, but I cant coz my mum's dead already... But I'll try to ask my aunties to c if they hv that, if I found it, I'll post that, here~ 我以前都有一張不過唔見左啦,我都聽人咁講過囉,但係咪真既就真係唔知囉 post it please!!!