散咗成兩個月啦, 仲係忘記唔到...
我同佢(女仔)返同一個教會, 一星期一定會見兩次, 唔見好地地, 一見就心情一沉, 好愁, 完全都唔係已前好開心既我. 我仲要做到好大方咁同佢傾計. 佢仲係msn post 佢同個BF嘅相...如果我唔再見佢, 我會好得妳怏, 我有諗過轉教會, 但係好唔值得.....
其實我仲同佢keep in touch, 係咪代表我仲想會有復合機會?
我而家連發夢都有佢!! 點先可以忘記佢??
好down a... may I ask few questions before we have some deep dicussion?
1) Are you a Christian? Does she a Christian?
2) If yes, how old are u? how old are she?
3) Does you have romance for the first time?
I would like to help you as much as possible, but I would like to know some deep information first
Bright [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-4-25 06:13 AM:
may I ask few questions before we h... [/quote]
we are both Christian, but i am a new believer. She has been a Christian for around 10 years. I am 20. She is 22 ( she doesnt like that fact that she is older than me.)
I had 2 relationships with others girls b4. 其實分手就好似心口上一道好大既修口...
個個佢已經唔係個個需要你既佢啦.... :) 我想問下既然你咁中意佢~咁點解你地會散既??? 邊可能會兩個月就無哂事吖......痴人說夢 [quote]Originally posted by [i]ravemother[/i] at 2006-4-25 10:10:
we are both Christian, but i am... [/quote]
em.. i see i see
do you goto same fellowship with her?
does your church 導師know that?
em.. do u have some good/closed brothers in Christ in your church?
p.s. I feel great that you show your emotions in here.........
it's a great step to be healed..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-4-26 04:42 AM:
em.. i see i see
do you goto sam... [/quote]
yes, we go to the same fellowship. I did talk to a few close friends in my fellowship but they didnt help much. my 導師 dont know that, i dun wanna tell them cuz i think they dun really like intimate relationship among brothers and sister.
She cant forget about her ex, they had been together for 3 years.
I know not seeing her will make me heal faster, but i cant just change church just for her... yes, we go to the same fellowship. I did talk to a few close friends in my fellowship but they didnt help much. my 導師 dont know that, i dun wanna tell them cuz i think they dun really like intimate relationship among brothers and sister. <-- how old are your adviser?
She cant forget about her ex, they had been together for 3 years. <-- remember that's her choices, you should respect her choice if you love her.
I know not seeing her will make me heal faster, but i cant just change church just for her...<-- Great to see your attitude, I believe GOD is loving your decision, and you are mature to face this problems
In my past, I have 3 people liking this, and 3 of them are not my fds now (well, some of them.. one of them, that's more than 8 years, 2nd one is 5 years+)
I am glad that you are trying to solve the problems with GOD toegther
I am keep praying to you
Be strong, my brother in Christ
You can do it, trust our God and put your strong will to HIM
He'll help you.
If you have more problems, just tell me, ok? don't be shy.....
especially if you feel uncomfortable at any time, any where....
in CHrist
Bright [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-4-26 09:08 AM:
yes, we go to the same fellowship. ... [/quote]
hey Bright, thx for ur helps and advice, i am glad to meet u here. i am a little better now thx!:agree: that's great,
let's pray and support each others [quote]Originally posted by [i]ravemother[/i] at 2006-4-25 05:51 AM:
我同佢(女仔)返同一個教會, 一星期一... [/quote]
幫你pray 下先 :)
你想快d 好番,
可以絕d ,
delete 佢icq, msn, 電話
god bless u! it takes times
I'll support you [quote]Originally posted by [i]ravemother[/i] at 2006-4-25 05:51 AM:
我同佢(女仔)返同一個教會, 一星期一... [/quote]
我教你啦~佢巳家咁做都係想勾引你個心姐~因為佢知你唔掂呀嗎...你咪比d傲慢佢睇下囉~不過呢d係細路仔做法...我唔同意你轉教會~因為轉另外一個教會又要識一d新既朋友~咁好煩~但我同意你暫時唔好番住~始終你個個禮拜見到佢~實會令到你個心好痛~你唔見佢一排~相信對你會更加好~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]andy020290[/i] at 2006-5-1 01:55:
我教你啦~佢巳家咁做都係想勾引你個... [/quote]
I am standing totally OPPOSITE than you.
Well, it's good that if you see the one you are breaking up now, she's not the right person for you in your life........
Why do u need to escape?
Do u think you can learn the story for this?
Of cos, you can escape, you couldn't solve the whole mess....
You'll lost at least one friendship (and could be more than that)
What's the point?
And That's really immature if you leave church due to this.....
We're going to church to serve Lord
Not for entertainment,
Not for friends,
Not for funs (of cos, we can play and joke with brothers in Christ), I hope you understand what I am talking about.
Keep reminding,
in every kind of love, that's NOT CATCHING, HOLDING OTHERS, NOT CHEATING others...
if we love in our real heart,
we should let others free!
Same as GOD gives us freedom to do whatever we like..................... that's why He's loving us so MUCH!!