好誇張的兔子喔= =
打激素養的 or 基因突變吧
不過牠的主人應該要蠻有錢的..才能把牠養起.... :D:D 嘩...........好大隻喔,可能仲重過小朋友:good: 嘩!真定假架?
大肚乎? :D養養下兔仔.變左隻狗出黎咁款:D 那是真的嗎??好似玩偶喔 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 佢食肉嫁?
仲有關涼宮咩事=w=? 哇~~~~~~~~~~~
呵ㄏ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 唔係話攬免仔個肚佢會死既咩?:confused: **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** so....big, 特別品種 omg looks like at least 100 pounds!! 係,好大隻下喎! , actually, a bit terrible, imagine when u walking on the street, suddenly, thsi things come out..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]r0211272[/i] at 2006-7-24 02:11 PM:
, actually, a bit terrible, imagine when u walking on the street, suddenly, thsi things come out..... [/quote]
if this thing will come out from the street, i am sure there will be other creatures on the street too lol~ wt........really big lor.... 其實係小朋友扮架!!!~:lol:~~~ 我見過一隻大過貓既老鼠呀! 唔系啊~~甘大只仲走唔走的到啊??