公司果D係蒸餾水,但價錢一樣,邊樣係有益D呢? 礦泉水會好D~可以補充礦物質 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kuru[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:23 PM:公司果D係蒸餾水,但價錢一樣,邊樣係有益D呢? [/quote]
that's the same(I think)
but I like mineral water(have some taste) 礦泉水~有益D~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]negator[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:25 PM:
礦泉水會好D~可以補充礦物質 [/quote]
I am afraid that there will be problem if your body kept a lot of minerals [quote]Originally posted by [i]r0211272[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:25 PM:
[b][color=Red][size=6]that's the same[/size]([/color][/b]I think)
but I like mineral water(have some taste) [/quote]
:agree:樓主你不是嚇我吧:help: [quote]Originally posted by [i]kuru[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:23 PM:
公司果D係蒸餾水,但價錢一樣,邊樣係有益D呢? [/quote]
有無睇清楚真係礦泉水定係加左礦物質 ge水呀!? [quote]Originally posted by [i]r0211272[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:27 PM:
I am afraid that there will be problem if your body kept a lot of minerals [/quote]
你自己都會消耗GA MA!!! 差不多吧 [quote]Originally posted by [i]tomken[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:25 PM:
礦泉水~有益D~ [/quote]
唔錯啦!仲有幾多礦物質!對人體有益處! [quote]Originally posted by [i]negator[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:31 PM:
你自己都會消耗GA MA!!! [/quote]
how many water u drink every day??
just want to tell u , mineral include heavy metal,
we use iron to make blood , but I just think, do we need such a larhe amount??
If minerals absorbed but we haven't use it, will it store in our body which have negative result in our body?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]queenly[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:27 PM:
:agree:樓主你不是嚇我吧:help: [/quote]
what's wrong?? 好似話飲得多蒸餾水會有問題 :help: 飲屋企煲既水最有益! #9
also, u can absorb minerals in other method.
eg.1. calcium in milk cheese, vegetables
2.Iron in beef, liver , eggs.e.t.c. [quote]Originally posted by [i]kuru[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:23 PM:
公司果D係蒸餾水,但價錢一樣,邊樣係有益D呢? [/quote]
公司果D末見過有礦泉水喎:P [quote]Originally posted by [i]toy739toy[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:46 PM:
公司果D末見過有礦泉水喎:P [/quote]
有呀,屈臣氏有得訂呀!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]Charcoal_henry[/i] at 2006-7-28 11:34 PM:
飲屋企煲既水最有益! [/quote]
點解?妳屋企係産純凈水? 蒸餾水好d~
礦泉水飲得多唔好 自來水已經夠ga la...