sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-1 09:54 AM
Wow, the pic is creepy
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 09:54 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:52 AM:
Back. where do you live, gary? [/quote]
rainrain are having dinner and will be back soon
So, How do you like MCC so far?
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-1 09:55 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:54 AM:
[size=6][color=Red]fuxking asshole[/color][/size]:mad: [/quote]
Hey! Don't swear
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 09:55 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:54 AM:
Wow, the pic is creepy [/quote]
I can help, She is the real 155220
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 09:57 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:55 AM:
Hey! Don't swear [/quote]
Sorry, It will take a while to clean up this place...
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-1 09:57 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:54 AM:
rainrain are having dinner and will be back soon
So, How do you like MCC so far? [/quote]
It's great, except someone is trying to ruin the atmosphere.
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 09:57 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:54:
Wow, the pic is creepy [/quote]
so she is not i:dev:
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 09:58 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:54 AM:
[size=6][color=Red]f...g a...e[/color][/size]:mad: [/quote]
(Hey~ don't forget that Real Foul Language are forbidden here~)
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 09:59 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:55:
I can help, She is the real 155220 [/quote]
bad guy tri,u bullied old naughty child:cry:
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 10:00 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:58:
(Hey~ don't forget that Real Foul Language are forbidden here~) [/quote]
i haven't say that:dev:
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 10:00 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:57 AM:
It's great, except someone is trying to ruin the atmosphere. [/quote]
Don't worry. Later when we decide whoever use foul lang. will get dot on their score. They will all talking very nice to each other.:naughty:
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 10:01 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:59 AM:
bad guy tri,u bullied old naughty child:cry: [/quote]
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 10:02 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:57:
It's great, except someone is trying to ruin the atmosphere. [/quote]
old naughty child needs your help
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 10:03 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-8-1 10:01:
[size=4][color=Blue]Sorry[/color][/size]:hitwall: [/quote]
i am the most naughty guy on the world!!!
you can't more naughty than me :D
Triangel 發表於 2006-8-1 10:06 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006-8-1 10:03 AM:
i am the most naughty guy on the world!!!
you can't more naughty than me :D [/quote]
Try Me:naughty:
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 10:07 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-8-1 10:06:
Try Me:naughty: [/quote]
how to try?:confused:
garycheung 發表於 2006-8-1 10:07 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 09:52 AM:
Back. where do you live, gary? [/quote]
hi Moi, soory for late reply, I'm living in Bayarea, CA USA, close to S.F:)
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-1 10:07 AM
Let's identify 155220 as suspected terrorist, and restrict his range of freedom, haha
155220 發表於 2006-8-1 10:08 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 10:07:
Let's identify 155220 as suspected terrorist, and restrict his range of freedom, haha [/quote]
Oh no!!!
garycheung 發表於 2006-8-1 10:09 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-1 10:07 AM:
Let's identify 155220 as suspected terrorist, and restrict his range of freedom, haha [/quote]