[url]http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_e399e5ce49b58.html[/url] 我一早睇左啦!仲DL左添! Wai, 自由神 where did u DL ga? Cantonese or mandarine ga? Can you tell me, THX man~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-10-21 04:04 PM:Wai, 自由神 where did u DL ga? Cantonese or mandarine ga? Can you tell me, THX man~ [/quote]
個file幾大下嫁!你要既話我再send俾你! 正喎
可唔可以post出來畀大家dl呀 [quote]Originally posted by [i]alexluiph119[/i] at 2006-10-21 04:25 PM:
可唔可以post出來畀大家dl呀 [/quote]
我又唔得閒post上網! 咁又係
online睇算啦 [quote]Originally posted by [i]alexluiph119[/i] at 2006-10-21 04:31 PM:
online睇算啦 [/quote]
sorry呀! Hi hi 自由神, are you really send it to me? how big is the file? Thx wor~ Coz I'm learning guitar by myself, but really hard ar >.< [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-10-22 04:58 AM:
Hi hi 自由神, are you really send it to me? how big is the file? Thx wor~ Coz I'm learning guitar by myself, but really hard ar >.< [/quote]
yes Guitar is very hard to learn:cry: [quote]
yes Guitar is very hard to learn
I learned by myself for half a yr but still can't remember all the basic chords... hard la, maybe I need to hv a lesson:( [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-10-22 11:33 PM:
I learned by myself for half a yr but still can't remember all the basic chords... hard la, maybe I need to hv a lesson:( [/quote]
yes!i need also
ccccccccccccccccccccc 得閒free jam下就得ga la頁: