男追女隔重山, 女追男隔層紗..女仔講下你 最受落/鍾意 既追求方式, 有冇d好特別既經驗.......
男仔都講下你既意見啦, 大家發表下啦.......
:dev::dev: me n my fiancee was started from fds~ Actually, we were workmate~
we used to workin the same salon, she was a junior n I'm a hair dresser. She had a bf n I had a gf at that time, but we were always filter-004 about relationships (she talked about her bf n i talked about my gf), we were in fdship for ~2 to3 mths. maybe it was the fate, her bf cheated her and has another gf n my gf's parents objected me, that is both of us seperated.... then we became good fds n.... u can c what we are now^.^ [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-11-7 08:53 AM:
me n my fiancee was started from fd... [/quote]
that is so sweet...:good::good:
thx for sharing
:agree: ha~ thx~ I'm always here lea~ as you guys share n i'll share as well~ tell me yours la~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-11-7 09:18 AM:
ha~ thx~ I'm always here lea~ as you guys share n i'll share as well~ tell me yours la~ [/quote]
yea i think that's the most effective way to make you look cool even you can't the girl....haha 由朋友開始比較容易吧.. 由朋友開始,慢慢溫柔細心照顧周到既令我鍾意你:good::good: 家陣好多女都鐘意銀彈^o^ [color=Red]同 一 句。。。
出 题 者 应 该 先 发 表 自 己 个 经 历 或 意 见。。。
快 d 爆 料。。。!!!:dev:[/color] [quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-11-7 01:07 PM:
[color=Red]同 一 句。。。
出 题 者 应 该 先 发 表 自 己 个 经 历 或 意 见。。。
快 d 爆 料。。。!!!:dev:[/color] [/quote]
:dev::dev::dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]BarristerSpring[/i] at 2006-11-7 01:44 PM:
:dev::dev::dev: [/quote]
[color=Red]我 理 得 你 同 边 个 啦。。。
总 之 就 一 定 要 爆 料。。。:fight:[/color] 由朋友問始...一直對佢特別好...等佢對你有一定好感...就追求... [quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-11-7 01:57 PM:
[color=Red]我 理 得 你 同 边 个 啦。。。
总 之 就 一 定 要 爆 料。。。:fight:[/color] [/quote]
請問你是誰? :lol::lol:
你果然係EF第一 世界( [color=White]刷鞋[/color] )仔la..........
sorry sorry 講笑講笑............
馬拉糕就係馬拉糕, 點會變成 teramishu o架:lol::lol::D:D:D
[[i] Last edited by BarristerSpring on 2006-11-7 at 04:16 PM [/i]] 全部得唔得呀????:dev::dev::dev: 係由朋友開始.........慢慢用柔情攻勢!!!!
怕怕!!! 只要唔係"強尼",我諗各種方法都ok I used to write english and chinese poems to my ex-gf before we were still friends. She liked them a lot and she even cried after reading those poems. I guessed she was too happy, because no one wirtes her a poem before.
We also talked a lot on MSN for average 3 hours everyday...i think that was how we developed our feeling. So i voted for using MSN and love letters. [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2006-11-7 03:19 PM:
全部得唔得呀????:dev::dev::dev: [/quote]
Step 1:抒情SMS/情信/MSN
Step 2:24小時隨傳隨到
Step 3:送有心思既禮物 [color=Blue]8月25過澳門俾你![/color]
Step 4:銀彈攻勢 [color=Red]送貴一貴既結他俾你呀[/color]
由朋友開始,慢慢溫柔細心照顧周到既令我鍾意你 ,努力中! 自由神d step又幾ok wor haha
我沒太多錢啦 haha~
我就比較鐘意 由朋友開始,慢慢溫柔細心照顧周到既令我鍾意你
咁樣大家都會了解對方多d ma
最後搞到不愉快ge分手收場就唔好啦~ 抒情SMS