幾多歲可以買 condom?
幾多歲可以買 condom?係咪16歲? 有限歲數架咩?! 你有錢比就幾歲都可以 買好似冇限制架喎 幾多歲都得,冇限制 幾歲都得ga 敢買幾歲都得 no age limited 我20!!! 有錢就得啦,我試過跟同學著住校服都買到啦
不過我無份用 梗係無限年齡喇
唔止買得, 重用得添[color=White](載住用黎打jj)[/color] :dev: 梗係冇限年齡啦,你可買嚟當氣球吹又得,用嚟裝嘢飲都得 [quote]Originally posted by [i]cyc1[/i] at 2007-1-3 01:50 AM:
梗係冇限年齡啦,你可買嚟當氣球吹又得,用嚟裝嘢飲都得 [/quote]
講得岩 -_-買煙買酒先要歲數姐-_-買dom唔洗歲數, 收銀最多望下你,唔會留難你的…… any........... [quote]Originally posted by [i]cyc1[/i] at 2007-1-2 12:50 PM:
梗係冇限年齡啦,你可買嚟當氣球吹又得,用嚟裝嘢飲都得 [/quote]
ur reason is so unbelievable!!! :D
there are no law regulate how old is the minimum age of buying condom!
Today even ten years old kid have sex..... but they would not buy themselves...
they may ask elder brothers or friends to buy!!!
If they buy themselves, that means showing everyone they are having sex underage????
16 years old seems to be the best answer!:haha: 敢買幾歲都得,你可以用來含-吹-舔-啜:naughty:
手指都得kar!!!:good: of coz無歲數限制啦 =.=