點樣開口約對方 食飯 好呢?
點樣開口約對方 食飯 好呢?如題
有無乜野 好 策略。。可以 約對方 食飯 呢? It really depends on what is your guys' relationship and the situation. Give us more info so that we can help u~ 其實約就約, 無需策略.... 一係諗 d 藉口 [quote]Originally posted by [i]信天翁[/i] at 2007-1-11 04:24 PM:
其實約就約, 無需策略.... 一係諗 d 藉口 [/quote]
用乜野 藉口 好呢?
可唔可以 教教小弟 呢 ?
唔該曬。。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]vv1668vv[/i] at 2007-1-11 05:20 PM:
用乜野 藉口 好呢?
可唔可以 教教小弟 呢 ?
唔該曬。。 [/quote]
輸賭啦, 有D情趣.
輸左又可以上訴 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-1-11 04:22 PM:
It really depends on what is your guys' relationship and the situation. Give us more info so that we can help u~ [/quote]
大家認識 都 算 認識。。
好似認識 又 好似 唔認識。。
不過 雙方 好似 有 D 好感。。(純直覺)
不過 自己 衰 怕 “瘀”。。。
驚住萬一 衰 左 ,以後。。見到面時 會“鑒戒”。。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]12d3[/i] at 2007-1-11 05:32 PM:
輸賭啦, 有D情趣.
輸左又可以上訴 [/quote]
点样 同 对方 输赌 ? [quote]Originally posted by [i]vv1668vv[/i] at 2007-1-11 05:42 PM:
点样 同 对方 输赌 ? [/quote]
同佢鬥, 挑她穩勝的才跟她鬥, 直到輸了, 又可以讚美她, 又可以請她食飯. 反正, 你不會要她請你吧. 假如她不好勝, 行不通. 好簡單.....搵d野拜託佢做
之後話要多謝佢....請佢食飯lor 比d創意就得架啦 ! "你肚唔肚餓呀? 不如食飯咯?" :good::good::P:kiss: [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-1-11 09:20 PM:
"你肚唔肚餓呀? 不如食飯咯?" :good::good::P:kiss: [/quote]
你個建議好實際! 可能WORK 都唔出奇。
揾個機會 試下先。。。
THANK YOU [quote]Originally posted by [i]hugh090702[/i] at 2007-1-11 06:25 PM:
之後話要多謝佢....請佢食飯lor [/quote]
都 Ok 播。。。
不過。。。對方可能系一個 烈女。。。
會唔會 好容易 比 對方發現。。呢? 有冇約男朋友食飯呀???之後你識啦!? ...ok, it tells nothing at all wor... but then to me, if I were you, I'll choose a day that she has a good mood and you guys have a lot of conversation(that means she's in very good mood and very talkative with you on that day). In the afternoon, the moment when you guys talk in a very good situation(that means both of you in excited mood), say 'what about we have dinner tonight' or 'let's have a dinner tonight'. But remember speak in a way that naturally. Don't have to “鑒戒”. Remember, it's only a normal dinner, she has to eat dinner anyways. Try that, no matter what happens, keep calm, it's nothing happens if she said 'no', just maybe she didn't have time, try this again later, ok?
Good luck~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]vv1668vv[/i] at 2007-1-11 04:02 PM:
點樣開口約對方 食飯 好呢?
有無乜野 好 策略。。可以 約對方 食飯 呢? [/quote]
傻仔﹐不如直接同佢講話~~ 我好肚餓呀~~ 不如一齊食飯~ 自自然然仲好咯~
而且俾佢知道又點?? 擺明ga ma~
不過我諗仲要睇o下個女仔個性格係點……:haha::haha::haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2007-1-12 09:56 AM:
傻仔﹐不如直接同佢講話~~ 我好... [/quote]
同個女仔講:「嗱!依家有單咁既野, 就係有個靚仔想請你食飯, 你点睇先?」
同個女仔講:「唉, 去食飯先, 邊食邊諗啦.」 [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-1-12 13:40:
同個女仔講:「嗱!依家有單咁既野, 就係有個靚仔想請你食飯, 你点睇先?」
同個女仔講:「唉, 去食飯先, 邊食邊諗啦.」 [/quote]
I really like this one and I really think it'll work~ Especially the last sentense:
「唉, 去食飯先, 邊食邊諗啦.」:eek: :giveup:
This is unbeatable~ :good: :clap: [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-1-12 11:40 AM:
同個女仔講:「嗱!依家有單咁既野, 就係有個靚仔想請你食飯, 你点睇先?」
同個女仔講:「唉, 去食飯先, 邊食邊諗啦.」 [/quote]
加o下有錢d 佬兩分先~~:kiss::kiss: [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2007-1-12 07:58 PM:
加o下有錢d 佬兩分先~~:kiss::kiss: [/quote]