娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

ufo 發表於 2007-2-11 10:26 PM



keungkee 發表於 2007-2-11 10:59 PM


艾力克 發表於 2007-2-11 11:07 PM

唔係俾無謂o既希望你, 不過覺得你地都有可能(如果佢而家冇拍拖o既話), 只係你地仲差左d經歷

不過覺得你講依句o既心態唔係咁好, 驚你係覺得因為追唔倒先追, 而唔係真係仲鍾意佢

如果你真係仲鍾意人o既, 就唔好放棄喇
搵倒個自己鍾意, 大家感情又好好o既唔係咁易架

lywv5 發表於 2007-2-12 08:36 PM

成8年 la....
please make it COUNT

ganwn 發表於 2007-2-12 09:54 PM

Go for it.... 努力呀....

keip5 發表於 2007-2-13 05:24 AM

i wish u and her can get back together....
i know u guys still in good friends relationship...but....
what u need is timing and something magic u can let her choose u!
U already wait for 8 yrs ... y not wait more....
It is hard to find a girl u really love.....
use some clever skills.... make her feel u have heart on her... and have done something for her...
Be clever, dun make her feel u are so "fan", otherwise this will worse u and her relationship@

Teletubbies123 發表於 2007-2-13 12:49 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]keip5[/i] at 2007-2-13 05:24 AM:
i wish u and her can get back toget... [/quote]

Sometimes, it is difficult to say this I think. Trouble or not (Thought by the girl) depends on timing! If she have no mood, then all the things you do is embrassing! Therefore, you'd better think about carefully. I emans that you can do as normal such as phone her (Just blow water is also okay but don't make her boring!), call her to walk or see a film etc! Then, you can think how to make her to know that you love her!Girls like boys to care, not forcing!

ufo 發表於 2007-2-13 05:45 PM

haha, thx for your kind opinion. timing is really very important and i think u got a gd point"dont be too fan!".
as u said that i should do somthing and let her feel my love@@it's quite difficult to make a clear line between the love of a best frd or couple one!maybe 14/2 is a gd chance to get action?
haha,but i dun think its the gd timing!

rexpliskin 發表於 2007-2-24 03:35 PM


152634987 發表於 2007-3-9 12:31 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ufo[/i] at 2007-2-11 10:26 PM:
唔知有無人有相同或者差唔多既經歷---... [/quote]


小强 發表於 2007-3-9 04:29 PM

...hmmm...8 years...have you ever tried to date with other girls??

she rejected you before....long time ago...do you know how she feel about you now? YOU MUST FIND OUT!!! Don't waste any time!

152634987 發表於 2007-3-9 07:41 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]小强[/i] at 2007-3-9 04:29 PM:
...hmmm...8 years...have you ever tried to date with other girls??

she rejected you before....long time ago...do you know how she feel about you now? YOU MUST FIND OUT!!! Don't waste any time! [/quote]

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