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d228216 發表於 2007-2-14 11:21 PM

麥當娜The Confessions Tour DVD

啱啱睇咗麥當娜倫敦演唱會, 目瞪口呆.

演唱會已經不是演唱會, 而係集合全球頂尖舞台完素, 加入大量何李活電影藍本, 由娜姐全新演譯既 [u]綜合舞台表演嘉年華[/u].

一切由娜姐強而有力既臂彎開始, 誇張的舞台切設, 180度巨型投射銀幕背景, 全方位燈火激光效果, 頂尖舞蹈藝員演譯不同角色, 星戰級的後期製作, 加入大量吳宇琛式慢鏡, 多角度拍攝重温片段, 空前巨型製作.

娜姐表演如脫韁野馬,  將歌唱及舞蹈溶合成 [u]麥當娜式個人表演[/u], 138分鐘完美演譯.

麥當娜倫敦演唱會 The Confessions Tour, 一生人必看的DVD.

siubtau 發表於 2007-2-14 11:25 PM

i have this DVD as well, very good. but please buy one youself, because you cannot make copy as it lock by security system. support original la.......:D

d228216 發表於 2007-2-14 11:46 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]siubtau[/i] at 2007-2-14 11:25 PM:
i have this DVD as well, very good. but please buy one youself, because you cannot make copy as it lock by security system. support original la.......:D [/quote]
:D:D Why you think me will copy it out??? I am planning to buy five more copy to give somebodies...

but security system is nothing to me, I may make one copy use High-Performance DVD-DL to achieve better quality:dev:

siubtau 發表於 2007-2-14 11:50 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-2-14 23:46:

:D:D Why you think me will copy i... [/quote]
I am not mean you will make copy, i only let other people know and try to support more on orginal "kam jack":)

d228216 發表於 2007-2-14 11:55 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]siubtau[/i] at 2007-2-14 11:50 PM:

I am not mean you will make copy, i only let other people know and try to support more on orginal "kam jack":) [/quote]
good manner:good:

hippo722 發表於 2007-2-15 12:39 AM

i will buy later
i saw the price is $129 CD+DVD

d228216 發表於 2007-2-15 12:55 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]hippo722[/i] at 2007-2-15 12:39 AM:
i will buy later
i saw the price is $129 CD+DVD [/quote]
I bought DVD only cost 109:D

KFC2006 發表於 2007-2-15 12:57 AM

I saw the demo when I visit HMV, it really good show and I brought it at once. enjoy it

audigy 發表於 2007-2-15 08:51 AM

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aerodusty 發表於 2007-2-15 09:02 AM

hoho, i goin to buy 1 also, also can teach me how to 'crack'?
i not crack for this, but i have a marilyn manson cd and i used to convert to mp3 and put in my phone,
but i protected.....

audigy 發表於 2007-2-15 10:28 AM

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beingkilled 發表於 2007-2-21 11:36 AM

有另一個版本, 包裝細D, 貴10蚊但多隻CD!

ktdkelly 發表於 2007-2-21 12:21 PM

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打狗棒 發表於 2007-2-21 12:41 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-2-14 23:21:
[img]http://www.hmv.com.hk/product_... [/quote]

neova 發表於 2007-2-22 05:31 PM


hyde_tetsu 發表於 2007-2-23 05:36 PM

i have buy ar........very 精采!!

madonna 好靚

PKTung2 發表於 2007-2-23 05:52 PM

呢set dvd + cd 賣 $12x 簡直是超值

good show

d228216 發表於 2007-2-23 07:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]PKTung2[/i] at 2007-2-23 05:52 PM:
呢set dvd + cd 賣 $12x 簡直是超值

good show [/quote]
:D 德發賣$110:dev:

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