belibala 發表於 2007-3-5 02:03 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:01 PM:
有人話吃兔仔肉會醫感冒~ [/quote]
depends...............boyboy or cyc:naughty::naughty::naughty:
Triangel 發表於 2007-3-5 02:03 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]belibala[/i] at 2007-3-5 01:59 PM:
#162:naughty::naughty: [/quote]
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:07 AM:
Really I forgot. Let do that this afternoon with 0倏炆豬肉:P [/quote]
With TriLinda? She is not home~
Triangel 發表於 2007-3-5 02:06 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]belibala[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:03 PM:
depends...............boyboy or cyc:naughty::naughty::naughty: [/quote]
Are you at work? How's the market in HK today?
Lyon 發表於 2007-3-5 02:06 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]cyc1[/i] at 2007-3-5 01:38 PM:
我宜家巳經上緊船去泰國着草,家陣用緊無線上網同你say goodbye:lol::D:dev: [/quote]
冇錢着草, 而家搵緊樓, 睇吓邊層夠高 ~~~~ :haha::haha:
跳落嚟要必死o架 ~~ :cry::cry::cry:
cyc1 發表於 2007-3-5 02:10 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Lyon[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:06 PM:
冇錢着草, 而家搵緊樓, 睇吓邊層夠高 ~~~~ :haha::haha:
跳落嚟要必死o架 ~~ :cry::cry::cry: [/quote]
Lyon 發表於 2007-3-5 02:12 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]cyc1[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:10 PM:
IFC:good::good::dev: [/quote]
唔想俾 boyboy 見到~~ :haha::haha:
有冇其他好介紹 ~~ :cry::cry:
d228216 發表於 2007-3-5 02:12 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:06 PM:
Are you at work? How's the market in HK today? [/quote]
drop 500 points
cyc1 發表於 2007-3-5 02:13 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:01 PM:
有人話吃[color=Red]兔女郎[/color]肉會醫感冒~ [/quote]
Lyon 發表於 2007-3-5 02:17 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:06 PM:
Are you at work? How's the market in HK today? [/quote]
the world's market just like your logo ~~ :haha::haha:
Triangel 發表於 2007-3-5 02:18 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:12 PM:
drop 500 points [/quote]
有 BoyBoy 做內應 你地應該OK?:haha::clap:
belibala 發表於 2007-3-5 02:20 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:12 PM:
drop 500 points [/quote]
your expectation of this afternoon??
cyc1 發表於 2007-3-5 02:21 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Lyon[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:12 PM:
唔想俾 boyboy 見到~~ :haha::haha:
有冇其他好介紹 ~~ :cry::cry: [/quote]
d228216 發表於 2007-3-5 02:23 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]belibala[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:20 PM:
your expectation of this afternoon?? [/quote]
跌穿18800 直指18450:o
belibala 發表於 2007-3-5 02:24 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:23 PM:
跌穿18800 直指18450:o [/quote]
how's your portfolio?
Lyon 發表於 2007-3-5 02:25 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]cyc1[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:21 PM:
你向住海果邊跳咪得囉,佢唔係響果邊ga:lol::D:dev: [/quote]
頭先新聞話今日全香港所有天台都鎖o左 ~~ :help::help:
belibala 發表於 2007-3-5 02:27 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Lyon[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:25 PM:
頭先新聞話今日全香港所有天台都鎖o左 ~~ :help::help: [/quote]
MTR station is still opened, try jump into the rail at Central Station, it is more ironic:dev::dev:
Triangel 發表於 2007-3-5 02:30 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]cyc1[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:21 PM:
你向住海果邊跳咪得囉,佢唔係響果邊ga:lol::D:dev: [/quote]
Lyon 發表於 2007-3-5 02:30 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]belibala[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:27 PM:
MTR station is still opened, try jump into the rail at Central Station, it is more ironic:dev::dev: [/quote]
先話我知呀 ~~ :dev::dev:
cyc1 發表於 2007-3-5 02:33 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]belibala[/i] at 2007-3-5 02:27 PM:
MTR station is still opened, try jump into the rail at Central Station, it is more ironic:dev::dev: [/quote]
AWU 發表於 2007-3-5 02:34 PM