孫燕姿新專輯"逆光"過兩日出la , 好其待ar I've seen the MV on Youtube and I gotta say I'm a little disappointed with that song, it doesn't really have the usual Stefanie Sun pop feel. It doesn't come out at you, it's a little bland. 唉 佢前排單新聞就夠慘 ..yanzi 的碟我會買 Cant wait for it... 佢每次出碟我都支持,今次又點會例外! [quote]Originally posted by [i]Raul[/i] at 2007-3-20 02:24 PM:
Cant wait for it... [/quote]
me too 係咪新公司第一張專輯呀 聽收音機聽到首歌勁好聽 [color=Red]yan zi ~ 撐你 ![/color]:good: 又有新歌可以聽lu~
不過佢d歌真係好難唱....好鬼高音.. 逆光同我懷念的超好聽~ **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 成隻碟都好正!