戀愛??拍拖?? 第二集
上述都係個人意見,同埋我係想講出黎,因為咁會舒服d,我表達能力有限,唔可以好巨體咁講d問題出黎,sorry...........:cry::cry: 其實你一生人會遇到ge女仔有好多,可能你而家失去左一個,
但如果係冇可能,只係你一相情願ge話,就請你快D cut左佢.............
所以希望你自己諗清楚,唔好步我後塵............ "why we need love" is a very philosophical question. this is a good question to ask, but a very difficult question to answer (the reason why it is so good a question is because it is so difficult to answer). i do not have the right answer, but my personal feeling is that it is kind of intrinsic demand coming from the deepest part of everyone's heart, which we want to care about not only ourselves but also others, and want ourselves to be cared not only by myself but also by others. since we are not God, we cannot care about everyone else so much as we care about ourselves, and cannot ask everyone else to care about myself as much as me caring about myself, therefore we need to find "the other half" to meet this deepest demand. so we all have to do that, in one way or the other.
分左手既日子我應該點面對佢,做朋友好嗎?? -- of course! i know it is difficult esp when you are still loving her, but remember, both of you started by being attracted to each other by appreciating her (your) quality i.e. there must be something good in her and you that dragged both of you together, so even now you two cannot be together anymore, the quality you appreciate (and she appreciates) does not change. why not treat each other as friends? you never know what happen in the future. starting from friendship, maybe she will pick up your good things again in the future.... but of course, you should treat her as friend by now, without "planning" the day she pick you up again. if you have that kind of plans or 'expectations', this is not true friendship and you two might find it difficult to go ahead!
sorry i can't type chinese here in this computer. hope this can help you. 我同你既個案有98%相似
個女仔同班同學仲坐係隔離........... [quote]Originally posted by [i]kempesito[/i] at 2007-4-7 04:23 PM:
個女仔同班同學仲坐係隔離........... [/quote]