[求助] 咩係BIOS? 部腦要我update BIOS?
各位, 有冇人知點搞好.我呢排開機時就有個藍色畫面出現.
話咩要我去[url]www.hard-ware.com[/url]度update BIOS.
但下次就又係咁....D data又唔見晒.
入windows但係D setting冇晒
希望有人可以幫下我. :( 你塊新版定舊版呀??
會唔會係你底板粒電池無電呀?? Virus?
Check the computer affected the virus or not!
In general use, U haven't change any Hardware, no need to touch the BIOS. [quote]Originally posted by [i]chansuper123[/i] at 2007-5-23 12:54 PM:
Check the computer affected the virus or not!
In general use, U haven't change any Hardware, no need to touch the BIOS. [/quote]
Yes, and what appears strange to me is that, how does the computer know the BIOS is not updated?
BIOS does not connect to internet and there is no way to know there is a newer version of BIOS out somewhere! 各位, 我影左個screen出黎
睇睇呀... :help: [quote]Originally posted by [i]michelle_tom[/i] at 2007-5-29 11:11 PM:
各位, 我影左個screen出黎
睇睇呀... :help: [/quote]
咁細幅圖 :haha: 有冇掃過,睇下係唔係中咗啲木馬/毒/垃圾廣告軟件。。。
一般應該唔會提示你UPDATE BIOS。。。