最近我發現我鍾意左個女仔....... 我地出街時, 冇咩溝通的, 我同佢都係冇咩講o既人..... 但係我感覺好滿足......佢有男朋友, 佢男朋友細佢2年(1990)....... 佢好似中左佢男朋友毒咁(打機由零開始, 但因為男朋友, 佢打到爆機咁滯), 我又聽閒佢同佢男朋友之間係有問題的......
可能因為我地冇咩溝通, 我唔知佢對我點, 而我對佢就連佢個fd都睇得出......仲叫我如果係就上....... 所以我覺得佢都知我對佢唔會係普通朋友.....
我自己想...... 但我唔知第一步點好~~~ 同佢好似好近, 又好似好遠咁......... 其實你介唔介意做第三者先..?
而家你就忍下先 Hey, haven't seen you for long~ How come you come back with this kind of problem lea...
To me, I won't encourage you to start (at the moment):
1/ You don't even know how she treat you as, maybe a normal fd or something...
2/ You guys didn't communicate at all, it's hard to know the deeper side of you guys' heart
3/ The most important thing is she has a bf n addicted to him, eventhough they have problems in their relationship, but addicted is addicted, if you can't handle it right/correctly, you'll leave her a bad impression.
What I suggest you to do is:
1/ If you really like her, then she should start it with get to know more about her such as what she really likes, what she thinks n what she wants...
2/ Let her to know more about you n what is your strength, let her know what you better than her bf, n let she has a chance to choose
3/ I you want to do the 1st 2 points successfully, then 1st of all is to fix the communicaton problem between you guys. If you guys not communicate, then nothing can go further, eventhough you two can be together, then there will be lots of silent n dead air...
4/ Once the problem fixed, tell us n we'll help you go further.
It's not that I wanna say something to hurt you but just want you to have a better beginning n get everythings prepared. Coz I don't want to see you screw that up by your leak of preparation.
Goodluck my fd, hope these can help you~ 一個人 可以同時 接受 唔同人追求。。。
即使 同你一起 比較難預料 會唔會再次 出現 多角關係??
成 唔 成為個別事件 就 睇下你地 緣分 夠 唔 夠 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-5-23 02:49 PM:
Hey, haven't seen you for long~ How... [/quote]
she knows my strengths, and now she does something with me which she didn't....
She hasn't avoided me...
I would like to know more of us. I really wanna know wht she thinks....
But she doesn't like tell hers to others.... how can i do?!
其實我一直覺得自己唔得多過得...... 唔單止而家, 將來都未必得, 我覺得好難得到佢......
可能因為上次唔得掛..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]vv1668vv[/i] at 2007-5-23 02:55 PM:
一個人 可以同時 接受 唔同人追求。。。
即使 同你一起 比較難預料 會唔會再次 出現 多角關係??
成 唔 成為個別事件 就 睇下你地 緣分 夠 唔 夠 [/quote]
好玄哦 [quote]Originally posted by [i]yeahchan[/i] at 2007-5-23 15:05:
好玄哦 [/quote]
既然覺得“玄” 何不再用心想想呢。:) [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-5-23 02:49 PM:
Hey, haven't seen you for long~ How... [/quote]
沒有溝通真的好難發展的。純粹「為左鍾意而鍾意」,聽落好浪漫,其實唔可行的。因為鍾意只係一種感覺,感覺來去飄忽,一過左就玩完。如果你想同佢既關係「紮根」,就非要雙方了解不可。「一齊時感覺好好」當然很美,但好難維持,而且不知對方諗乜時,這種「一齊時感覺好好」可能只是「『你覺得』一齊時感覺好好」,而她不過是一頭霧水!當然這只是一種可能性,也許你們也真是心靈相通。不過有這個可能就即是唔肯定了。慢工出細貨呀兄弟!:) [quote]Originally posted by [i]yeahchan[/i] at 2007-5-23 17:03:
she knows my strengths, and now... [/quote]
Aiya, how come you sounds exhaust b4 start ga...:hitwall: We are here to look for your success ga~ :cheers:
Be more patient la, it takes time to know about a person. Eventhough it's your best fd, you've already spent a lot of time to know him well la. :haha:
If she doesn't like to speak, then you start 1st lor, find some topic to talk with her la.
eg: Ask her if she like to watch spiderman or something. It can helps you to know what type of movies she likes.
Talk to her about TVB's drama let you know what types of drama she likes....
Find the topics 1st n talk to her, but don't over, ok? Otherwise it becomes annoying ga~
Finally, REMEMBER to show her how caring you're. Girls like guys take care of her ga, eventhough you may not get her this time, but maybe later lea~ Remember everything takes time ga, no need to rush, ok? Be patient~
Keep reporting to us ar~ Best wishes~ :cheers: [quote]Originally posted by [i]specificness[/i] at 2007-5-23 17:26:
... [/quote]
Very agree with specificness Bro's opinion, especially [color=Red]慢工出細貨[/color], that is what I just said in the above post, to do this, patient is very important ga~ :agree:
Brother specificness is very good in this ga~ :clap: See how many reply posts he has in here then you'll know~ :agree: I can't really type Chinese, :haha: but he can. If you can't really understand what I'm saying, I reckon his opinion can absolutely help you~ :cheers: [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-5-23 03:33 PM:
Very agree with specificness Br... [/quote]
謝謝欣賞呀kalos兄!:love::love: 大家都係想幫到兄弟幫啫。你的意見也很不錯呢!有共鳴才是我們回覆最大的動力 :) 我就不太贊成樓主而家去追人啦
係你溝通同時,你同佢之間了解多左,將來成功的機會都大d ma,但而家梗係唔好做第三者
祝好運:good: [quote]Originally posted by [i]specificness[/i] at 2007-5-23 17:46:
謝謝欣賞呀kalos兄!:love::love: 大家都係想幫到兄弟幫啫。你的意見也很不錯呢!有共鳴才是我們回覆最大的動力 :) [/quote]
Yeah, I read lots of your replys before, I was very agree with your opinions in the past :clap: but then I think our thoughts are very similar, after you reply, I can't reply any at all as you've already said what I thought. :hitwall: That's why I reply faster than you this time. :D
Looking forward to yeahchan's update lea, hope that we can really help him with this~ :cheers: thx kalos, specificness and sakura
"Find the topics 1st n talk to her, but don't over, ok? Otherwise it becomes annoying ga~"
but 我會俾多d心機同關心, 放多d時間落去啦~~^^""
我唔知點解好想照顧佢, 好想對佢好, 有咩都同佢分享, 對佢最好...... [quote]Originally posted by [i]yeahchan[/i] at 2007-5-23 23:22:
thx kalos, specificness and sakura
... [/quote]
Aiya, then you have to really think about it b4 your start la, coz I'm worrying that your actual feeling to her is like a best fd/sister wor~ :haha:
Take more time to see how your real feeling to her is; n, if you can, imagine what'll happen if she's your gf n what about if she's your best fd. Make sure everything b4 start, ok? :good:
If there's any issue, just talk to us la~ :agree:
Best Wishes~ :cheers: thank you nthing is gone work out