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我愛章小慧 發表於 2007-5-25 11:40 PM

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我愛章小慧 發表於 2007-5-25 11:41 PM

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feuosma 發表於 2007-5-25 11:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]toro[/i] at 2007-5-25 23:39:

就睇小說嘅方向去睇其實射雕嘅黃蓉係寫得好好好好嘅角色,你作為寫作人係應該研究下 [/quote]


toro 發表於 2007-5-25 11:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]我愛章小慧[/i] at 2007-5-25 11:41 PM:

之前睇網說 , 寫到[color=Red]郭芙[/color]真係爆乞人憎 ... 電視果太唔到肉拉~~:nogood::nogood::nogood::noway: [/quote]

我愛章小慧 發表於 2007-5-25 11:45 PM

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asurada001 發表於 2007-5-25 11:46 PM

Why LeBron didn't make his FT?... he had a chance to get 20 pts ar..
Why Detroit didn't score more?.. they could have bigger lead....
I lost 10 points ar!!!!.....

toro 發表於 2007-5-25 11:46 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]feuosma[/i] at 2007-5-25 11:44 PM:

膠蛙知唔知天龍入面阿紫眼睛睇唔到野既果一大段係倪匡代寫????;););) [/quote]

我愛章小慧 發表於 2007-5-25 11:47 PM

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toro 發表於 2007-5-25 11:47 PM


feuosma 發表於 2007-5-25 11:48 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]asurada001[/i] at 2007-5-25 23:46:
Why LeBron didn't make his FT?... he had a chance to get 20 pts ar..
Why Detroit didn't score more?.. they could have bigger lead....
I lost 10 points ar!!!!..... [/quote]


toro 發表於 2007-5-25 11:50 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]我愛章小慧[/i] at 2007-5-25 11:47 PM:

果part睇過 , 阿何生傻傻地 , 都幾可愛丫:dev: [/quote]

我愛章小慧 發表於 2007-5-25 11:50 PM

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toro 發表於 2007-5-25 11:51 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]我愛章小慧[/i] at 2007-5-25 11:50 PM:

[url]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=150872&sid=fUY6Ze[/url] [/quote]

steve123456 發表於 2007-5-26 01:18 AM


FRANCISE 發表於 2007-5-27 12:06 PM

[color=Red]Wooooooooooooooooooooo :angry::mad:[/color]

toro 發表於 2007-5-27 12:11 PM


toro 發表於 2007-5-30 09:20 PM


kaichun88 發表於 2007-5-30 10:11 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]toro[/i] at 2007-5-30 09:20 PM:
一唔睇實就出事,兩邊通賠咁濟,有無人有睇,好睇嘛? [/quote]

勇勇 發表於 2007-5-30 10:29 PM


toro 發表於 2007-5-30 10:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kaichun88[/i] at 2007-5-30 10:11 PM:

就算你睇都改變唔倒,今[color=Red]日兩個盤送分咁送[/color],雖然比立斯個盤有d危,最尾嗰節3個失誤:haha: [/quote]

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