[img]http://tinypic.com/99e64n.jpg[/img] Koenigsegg仲有部CCR好似仲勁dd!!~ 我淨係記得佢架CCX嚮topgear節目裡面試
因為唔識轉彎, 抄咗埋車軚到啫 :dev::dev::dev: wow the door is crazy....
but well..there r a lot of cars better and faster than ferrari anyways....
is this one faster than bugatti and zonda?? 但係架車個樣好怪喎..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]trunks[/i] at 2007-6-24 07:56 PM:
但係架車個樣好怪喎..... [/quote]
我覺得幾型:good: This car sucks........ cannot drift gar [quote]Originally posted by [i]autod[/i] at 2007-6-24 08:55 PM:
我覺得幾型:good: [/quote]
我覺得法拉利型d.:) 好型好靚, 想知幾錢架?
幾時會出? [quote]Originally posted by [i]bioamen[/i] at 2007-6-24 02:19 AM:
wow the door is crazy....
but well..there r a lot of cars better and faster than ferrari anyways....
is this one faster than bugatti and zonda?? [/quote]
係咯 一開門可能就會掂到地下