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我愛章小慧 發表於 2007-7-26 01:26 PM

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trista_cheong 發表於 2007-7-26 01:27 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]我愛章小慧[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:26 PM:

伊拉克vs南韓:dev::dev::dev::dev: [/quote]


hamsubboy 發表於 2007-7-26 10:09 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mcsimon0574[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:01 AM:
我係vrigina ...
我只係對於某d野有迷同講野大聲之外...其他都無啦wo [/quote]

mcsimon兄, 你一定唔需要睇心理醫生. 我好肯定你沒有情緒病.
多一點站在別人立場想想. 我建議閣下多看電影, 嘗試將自己代入角色, 你自自然然就會知道別人想什麼, 自然學識體諒別人.

得罪講句, 你是那種"只罵別人隨地吐痰, 自己卻隨街大便"(即是"周官放火")的人. 對嗎?

睇見人唔順眼, 你就罵, 但係實際上, 別人真的沒有開罪你.

希望你真係改一下, 唔單止對女朋友, 而係對所有人.

kalos 發表於 2007-7-28 11:08 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mcsimon0574[/i] at 2007-7-24 22:44:

之前電腦壞... [/quote]

Simon Bro,

Sorry about haven't check this post for long :haha: but it's so glad n pleased to hear that you have a girlfriend like this. :clap:
I reckon you're a very goodluck and God blessed people as your gf is one of a kind that already disappear in this world. She's caring, lovely, nice and kind... :good:
I'm so happy to see you guys going well now :cheers:

[color=Purple]But remember, this is only the beginning!!! :eek: It's not that you only have to change yourself in this month, but for the whole life!!! :agree: Keep in the peace mood that you should have, hold yourself back all the time and relax. After few months, you'll find that you become a more "soft" person instead of the hot temper one in the past!!! :clap:[/color]

Keep going my fd, all of us here are supportting you, ok? :cheers:

Best Wisges to you2~ :cheers:

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