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autod 發表於 2007-7-22 01:57 PM

FROM 車路士新聞網

[size=6][b]洛杉磯銀河 0-1 車路士[/b][/size]

[color=blue]  今季美國之旅最後一站以泰利的一個入球了結。這場球賽星光熠熠,湯‧告魯斯及加州州長阿諾舒華辛力加亦在觀眾席上。萬眾期待的碧咸於下半場 66 分鐘入場,引起一場哄動,但仍無礙車路士季前熱身賽的全勝紀錄。

  摩連奴於今仗排出 4-4-2 陣式,以卡羅及杜魯巴攻堅,輔以兩翼的馬路達及胡禮‧菲臘斯。賓‧希姆則串演左閘,代替受傷的布歷治和艾殊利‧高爾。上半場雖然未有入球,但客隊車路士仍造出 14 次攻門。其中馬路達盤扭過人的本領仍充滿光芒,胡禮‧菲臘斯在右路亦製造了不少壓力。林柏特於中路多次作出準繩的長傳及直綫,可見狀態已一直提升。

  然而主隊亦非省油的燈。球賽早段一次快攻射門,被施治拍出不遠,禁區頂的美國國家隊老將鍾斯遠射卻又被施治以極快反應回身拍出底綫。18 分鐘主隊球員馬天奴在遠柱無人看管下,頭鎚攻門竟然落空。客軍幸保不失。

  下半場摩連奴重排 4-3-3 陣式,祖‧高爾、米基爾入場,舒夫真高則入替胡禮‧菲臘斯,與杜魯巴及卡羅組成三人鋒綫。馬路達退至左閘位置。這項改動果然奏效。48 分鐘祖‧高爾的遠射被對方衞擋出不遠,泰利在蛾眉月位置左腳割草式勁射,皮球彈中右邊門柱內側入網!這已是他今夏友賽的第二個入球。

  54 分鐘,卡羅及舒夫真高在左路作出一次非常漂亮的撞場。烏克蘭軍刀今夏雖然仍未開齋,但毫不自私地橫傳予無人看管的杜魯巴於六碼點射入。可惜被球證爭議性地判處越位。

  主隊原有機會扳平。70 分鐘前鋒當奴雲離門六碼無人看管,後備入替的古迪仙尼已無反應,但該名銀河隊隊長竟未能頂中目標。最後於補時階段碧咸開出左路角球被清出禁區。球證鳴笛完場。

  今場賽事可見證球隊在傳球及體能方面均有不俗進展。泰利早前弄傷腳趾,但今天仍能踢足全場並取得入球,證明傷勢並無大礙,令人放心不少。洛賓賽前未傳出受傷的消息,但卻不在正選及後備之列,只坐在觀眾席上,令人揣測他的去向。無論如何,今仗在主隊的力逼下,球隊仍能踢出表現,全場作出近 25 次射門。往後的友賽及新球季的表現實在令人期待。[/color]


[color=blue]  為了團結全港車迷,本港唯一由車路士球會官方承認的「香港車路士球迷會」 (China Hong Kong Blues) 領導層經過重大改組,現已重新投入服務。除了每周在主場吧 (灣仔利景酒店 Champs Bar) 包場舉辦睇波團外,還提供種種優惠予各會員。

  該會網站 ([url]http://www.chelsea-hk.org/[/url]) 經已完全更新,並於今天下午四時正式開張。而作為車迷,網主當然必須略盡綿力。本網站已與該會達成協議,於本網站的所有新聞稿件將同時刊登於該網站上,以吸引廣大車迷多多留意該會事務。網主亦很榮幸被邀成為其執行委員之一。



Aristo~ 發表於 2007-7-22 06:53 PM

場波睇左上半場only ><


autod 發表於 2007-7-22 10:05 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Aristo~[/i] at 2007-7-22 06:53 PM:
場波睇左上半場only ><

我想問下db23係下半場幾分鐘出黎架??? [/quote]
77分鐘..... 睇片啦:dev:

autod 發表於 2007-7-23 03:51 PM


[b][size=6]QPR complete Mancienne loan swoop[/size][/b]

[color=blue][b]Queens Park Rangers have signed teenage Chelsea defender Michael Mancienne on a season-long loan.[/b]

The 19-year-old impressed Rangers boss John Gregory during a seven-month loan at Loftus Road last season, playing 30 games in the Championship and FA Cup.

Gregory said: "Michael had an outstanding period with us last season.

"I would like to pay a special debt of gratitude to Chelsea for allowing Michael to continue his footballing education with us."[/color]

幾時先有新仔可以真正提升上一隊出頭呢.... 應該都係Sinclair先啦;)

autod 發表於 2007-7-23 11:13 PM

KG都黎睇波,原來佢鍾意Drogba!!! :lol::lol::lol:


[size=6][b]BIG MAN FOR THE BIG GAME[/b][/size]

[color=blue]While we think of John Terry as a giant in the Chelsea team, the boys were watched on Saturday by an absolute colossus.

Kevin Garnett, 6'11 basketball player for the Minnesota Timberwolves, dropped by at the Home Depot Center to watch the team, and in particular his favourite Didier Drogba.

Before the game, KG (pictured) was presented with his own Chelsea shirt. 'I've been a fan of Drogba since the Cup final,' said the former NBA MVP, 'and I'm into the Ivory Coast too.

'I'm learning more about the game and have an interest in other players, like Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney.'

Garnett, nicknamed 'The Big Ticket', also told us about his holiday plans. 'I've not been to Europe much, but I'm trying to plan a trip this year before my season starts in October.'

Garnett wasn't the only American athlete to drop in on the Blues over the last few days.

Ian Johnson, Boise State College running back is a big NFL prospect, and huge Chelsea fan, and stopped by after the Galaxy game to exchange shirts with our skipper JT.[/color]


autod 發表於 2007-7-23 11:14 PM



[size=6][b]LOAN MOVE FOR JIMMY[/b][/size]

[color=blue]The club has agreed to loan Jimmy Smith to Norwich City until December 31.

Jimmy spent the 2006/7 season on loan at Queens Park Rangers, making 29 league appearances and scoring six goals.

The 20-year-old is now in his fifth full-time season with Chelsea, turning pro in March 2005.

He is an England under-19 international, and has so far made one appearance for the first team, as a late sub away at Newcastle in 2006.[/color]


autod 發表於 2007-7-24 12:09 PM

FROM 香港車路士官方球迷會

[size=6][b]舒夫真高將不會重投AC 米蘭[/b][/size]


  較早前摩連奴亦表示他堅信舒夫真高下季將會成為藍戰士的重要成員之一,他向BBC 說:「如果他(舒夫真高)每場球賽都表現出色,當然值得繼續給他出場機會,我會感到高興。與此同時,杜奧巴將會和他一起落場比賽,對此我沒有感到困難。」[/color]


Azuma 發表於 2007-7-24 01:30 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]autod[/i] at 2007-7-23 11:14 PM:

... [/quote]


autod 發表於 2007-7-24 01:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Azuma[/i] at 2007-7-24 01:30 PM:

咁似Terry................... [/quote]
中場黎架,有人叫佢做"新林伯"..... 之前係QPR踢得唔錯:good::good:

autod 發表於 2007-7-25 07:13 PM

[size=4]Pizarro @ 記招 (24/7)[/size]

[img]http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/2734/capt67806b9a23ce4f848f6zk7.jpg[/img] [img]http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/6582/captc724a3810fad495a8f9ri8.jpg[/img]
[img]http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/2306/captad21421fda124c02a97rq3.jpg[/img] [img]http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/9670/capt412ce292460b411b88bbs6.jpg[/img]

autod 發表於 2007-7-25 07:15 PM

FROM 香港車路士官方球迷會


[color=blue]*秘魯國腳比沙路來季會穿上14號球衣,並於友賽菲燕諾第一次上陣。(Sky Sport)

autod 發表於 2007-7-25 07:24 PM

FROM 官網 (只轉載說話內容)

[size=6][b]PIZARRO: PRESSURE NO PROBLEM[/b][/size]

[color=blue]'I talked to [Mourinho] the first time and he gave me a good impression. He's a good trainer, fights for his players, and has quality training and leading the group. That's very important for a trainer,' he explained.

'I have a lot of confidence in what I can do,' he said, 'I just have to be in good shape and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm not a player that will make 30 or 20 goals in a season. I could, but it depends how we play, and it depends as much what the trainer wants from me.

'I think there are a lot of very good teams in the Premier League and it will be very difficult but we also have a good team and I think we can win this year.'

'Yes I think that. We have some new players, and old players who are very good. The group is very strong and we will do some nice things this year.'

'I was in Bayern for six years. It is a club who has a lot of pressure so I'm used to it, it won't be a problem. If you want to be a good football player you have to be ready for that.'[/color]

[img]http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/9072/010268333273800gm2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/4762/010268333238200ny4.jpg[/img]

autod 發表於 2007-7-25 07:40 PM

發覺某某討論區既車仔FANS CLUB都係叫車天車地,係咪要改下名呢:haha::haha::haha::haha:

Azuma 發表於 2007-7-25 11:05 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]autod[/i] at 2007-7-25 07:40 PM:
發覺某某討論區既車仔FANS CLUB都係叫車天車地,係咪要改下名呢:haha::haha::haha::haha: [/quote]


藍精靈:win: (道友用)

藍色的士丹福橋 (國內同胞)

Our Blue our Chelsea Our Stamford Bridge

The Real Blue - Chelsea

藍(男)人車場    (攪gap)


自由神 發表於 2007-7-25 11:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]autod[/i] at 2007-7-25 07:40 PM:
發覺某某討論區既車仔FANS CLUB都係叫車天車地,係咪要改下名呢:haha::haha::haha::haha: [/quote]


艾力克 發表於 2007-7-25 11:57 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]autod[/i] at 2007-7-25 07:40 PM:
發覺某某討論區既車仔FANS CLUB都係叫車天車地,係咪要改下名呢:haha::haha::haha::haha: [/quote]
俾人跟都要改? :lol::dev:

jordi 發表於 2007-7-26 12:25 AM


amigofans 發表於 2007-7-26 01:01 AM

哈哈, 不如叫做[b]"曼聯下面果隊"[/b]丫:D

sorry, 我又黎踩場.....我古各位車迷唔會覺得呢個名好funny架啦, 所以都係收番!!:good:

今年一於再鍊過, 等緊你地發威!! :clap:

Aristo~ 發表於 2007-7-26 01:09 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-7-25 11:57 PM:

俾人跟都要改? :lol::dev: [/quote]


Aristo~ 發表於 2007-7-26 01:12 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:01 AM:
哈哈, 不如叫做[b]"曼聯下面果隊... [/quote]

照你咁講, 車版應該叫"不敗於曼聯既球隊"
跟住阿記個名就叫" 兩挫曼聯的球隊"

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