一個正在等愛的男孩,希望有一天能出現一個正在找愛的女孩,與他共同生活........................... 咁即係點呀??你等緊呀??講清楚d好喎,唔係比人當你呃post扣分就唔好啦!! 只是小弟的朋友,我覺得他有d傻,守珠待... [quote]Originally posted by [i]andyandyandy[/i] at 2007-7-26 12:26 AM:
只是小弟的朋友,我覺得他有d傻,守珠待... [/quote]
樓主一言,把我拋窒!:good: [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-7-26 11:31:
樓主一言,把我拋窒!:good: [/quote]
Brother, are you waiting too? :lol:
Go and find one is easier than waiting ga~
Girls won't just come and says she's waiting for you ga~ :haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-7-26 10:57 AM:
Brother, are you waiting too? :lol:
Go and find one is easier than waiting ga~
Girls won't just come and says she's waiting for you ga~ :haha: [/quote]
可能....可能太樣衰啦:cry::cry::cry: 我...等緊...揾唔到....:cry: [quote]Originally posted by [i]-仔仔仔-[/i] at 2007-7-26 12:22 AM:
講清楚d好喎,唔係比人當你呃post扣分就唔好啦!! [/quote]
又得一句 ge 主題:giveup:
其實佢ge 意思係想搵人陪:naughty: [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-7-26 11:29 AM:
可能....可能太樣衰啦:cry::cry::cry: [/quote]
等有鬼用咩﹐要主動出擊ga 嘛:giveup::haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]andyandyandy[/i] at 2007-7-26 12:26 AM:
只是小弟的朋友,我覺得他有d傻,守珠待... [/quote]
一齊主動出擊啦.............:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:00 PM:
等有鬼用咩﹐要[color=Red]主動出擊[/color]ga 嘛:giveup::haha: [/quote]
:o到我魔性大發就社會有難 [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-7-26 13:29:
可能....可能太樣衰啦:cry::cry::cry: [/quote]
Haa? How come you know me 好運水呢? How can you say that ga? :haha:
(Maybe you've read my post b4... :giveup:)
After long time of waiting (when I was in High School, HK), I found that and understand that there's rarely girls will come n tell you they like you, eventhough it happened before...
But it's so RARE!!!
I found that 主動出擊 is the only way to fight out a "[color=Red]Blood Road[/color]".
Go n search for a girl you like and fight for that la~ :cheers: [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2007-7-26 15:00:
又得一句 ge 主題:giveup:
其實佢ge 意思係想搵人陪:naughty: [/quote]
I think there are lots of HK boys are waiting lor... It's easy to 搵人陪 ga~ :giveup:
BTW, I thought that you're 自由神 ar :haha: Why you did that ar? Sis. tata( your head pic... :giveup:) [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:11 PM:
:o到我魔性大發就社會有難 [/quote]
....... 咁你都係盡情展現你個獸性把la:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:15 PM:
Haa? How come you know me 好運... [/quote]
有你兄弟一言!我要出擊又有咩好驚!:good: [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:18 PM:
....... 咁你都係盡情展現你個獸性把la:haha: [/quote]
社會好慘呢!:dev::dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:18 PM:
I think there are lots of HK bo... [/quote]
等愛的男人同女人............. 其實都係主動快過被動~:giveup:
冇呀.... 見到呀vv 用呢個頭像﹐我咪又用lor... 又一証明人睇o野圖係快過字:naughty::naughty: [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:20 PM:
社會好慘呢!:dev::dev: [/quote]
咩呀﹐你都不知幾野性呀~~~:good::kiss: [quote]Originally posted by [i]trista_cheong[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:23 PM:
咩呀﹐你都不知幾野性呀~~~:good::kiss: [/quote]
;)我睇你用我個頭像用得幾耐:dev:我睇呀!一日都多!:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-7-26 01:25 PM:
;)我睇你用我個頭像用得幾耐:dev:我睇呀!一日都多!:D [/quote]
(不過我都開始confuse 以為自己頭先打o個d 係你打.... 極白痴:P:P:P)