受美股拖累,令港股現大調整 恆指收市急挫641點~
呢個美國, 今日累我唔見左40k, 佢今晚真係唔好再跌~[US Pre-Market]: 27-Jul-2007
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kuru[/i] at 2007-7-27 04:42 PM:呢個美國, 今日累我唔見左40k, 佢今晚真係唔好再跌~ [/quote]
No worry!!
US Future: as at 5:16pm HK Time
Dow Jones +46.00
Nasdaq +8.75
S&P +6.10
Global stock markets were roiled Friday after a plunge on Wall Street sent the Dow Jones industrial average down 311 points. Credit woes and ongoing concerns about the housing market sparked a sharp fall in U.S. stocks Thursday.
[b][color=blue]U.S. stocks looked set to rebound from the steep losses on Friday[/color][/b] :)
[US Pre-Market]: 27-Jul-2007
:o :( :giveup:Oh No!!! Bad news....
US Futures tumble in the last hour....as at 8:00pm HK Time
Dow Jones -80.00
Nasdaq -10.00
S&P500 -9.8
U.S. futures lower on day after Dow tumbles 311 points
Art Hogan, chief market analyst at Jefferies & Co., said that there was no news to cause the futures to sink, and he attributed it to general nervousness after Thursday's sharp drop.
"You could make the argument that 50 more people showed up for work saw where they were trading and disagreed," he said. "It's extremely risky to make bets on what will happen in the market today. I would argue in the near term that we oversold the market yesterday, but according to my calendar it is a summer Friday and that means lower volumes, more volatility."
Dow 13,500.48 ↑26.91 (0.20%)Nasdaq 2,605.21 ↑5.87 (0.23%)
S&P 500 1,486.88 ↑4.22 (0.28%)
10-Yr Bond 4.8040% ↑0.0270
NYSE Volume 679,917,000
Nasdaq Volume 485,823,000
Friday, July 27, 2007, 10:18AM ET [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-7-27 10:17 PM:
Dow 13,500.48 ↑26.91 (0.20%)
Nas... [/quote]
升小小唔代表什麼,轉頭幾分鐘就會冇晒,秋官亞視又出現,好怕會再重演 美股又開始瀉緊:giveup: [quote]Originally posted by [i]笨小孩[/i] at 2007-7-27 11:46 PM:
美股又開始瀉緊:giveup: [/quote]
世事難料 Dow 13,369.12 ↓104.45 (0.78%)
Nasdaq 2,579.99 ↓19.35 (0.74%)
S&P 500 1,470.87 ↓11.79 (0.80%)
10-Yr Bond 4.7770% 0.0000
NYSE Volume 1,665,293,000
Nasdaq Volume 1,122,135,000
Friday, July 27, 2007, 11:52AM [quote]Originally posted by [i]andyandyandy[/i] at 2007-7-27 11:04 PM:
升小小唔代表什麼,轉頭幾分鐘就會冇晒,秋官亞視又出現,好怕會再重演 [/quote]
Oh No!! 秋官~~not him again..丁蟹效應 :giveup: :(
A trader reacts to Thursday's selloff on Wall Street
[[i] Last edited by 小强 on 2007-7-28 at 12:21 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2007-7-27 11:49 PM:
世事難料 [/quote]
有早知冇乞衣:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]小强[/i] at 2007-7-28 12:18 AM:
Oh No!! 秋官~~not him again..丁蟹效應 :giveup: :(
[/color][/size][/b] [/quote]
你錯了,係因為九龍皇帝駕崩:cry:,股市應聲下跌:good: 慘, 又跌百幾點,冇lu ~~>.<~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]kuru[/i] at 2007-7-28 12:22 AM:
慘, 又跌百幾點,冇lu ~~>.<~~ [/quote]
斷估你唔係高位接貨果批呱:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]笨小孩[/i] at 2007-7-28 12:24 AM:
斷估你唔係高位接貨果批呱:haha: [/quote]
上左鐵達尼號,等死中~:cry: [quote]Originally posted by [i]kuru[/i] at 2007-7-28 12:22 AM:
慘, 又跌百幾點,冇lu ~~>.<~~ [/quote]
輕鬆d, 跌市自保法..
百無等反彈 我個同事曾經話過,美股港股雙方係唔關事嫁,美股跌並不等於港股跌,可能下星期一港股好境呢!
祝大家好運! [quote]Originally posted by [i]andyandyandy[/i] at 2007-7-29 12:20 AM:
祝大家好運! [/quote]
咁仲慘, 唔關事都冇700點,
星期一關事就搵定個靚海跳都得lu~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]andyandyandy[/i] at 2007-7-29 12:20 AM:
祝大家好運! [/quote]
你同事係邊位:nogood::nogood::nogood:你咁信佢既:confused::confused::confused: 如無意外聽日應先跌後升, V型反彈, 重可能創新高.... 好lu, 唔駛搵海跳, 個市總算回穩番^^~