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terencey 發表於 2007-11-5 08:54 PM

(BBC News) 韋根炒領隊赫捷寧斯

今季英超再有領隊被炒, 韋根上星期輸俾車仔, 連輸 6 場跌落聯賽榜尾三之後, 領隊赫捷寧斯隨即被炒. 佢係繼車仔既摩連奴, 保頓既李森美同熱刺既祖爾之後, 第四位被炒既領隊.

本身係球隊助教既赫捷寧斯, 於上季完結後接替辭職既祖維爾升正為領隊. 其實佢之前亦曾經晌巴拉福特試過接替祖維爾升正為領隊, 但都唔係咁成功, 打 12 場英超賽事只贏得 1 場, 執教左只有 5 個月就被炒了.

現時由助教巴路暫時接掌球隊, 負責周日對熱刺既聯賽. 如果祖維爾真係教米堡既話, 可能都會帶埋佢去幫手 ????

BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/w/wigan_athletic/7078772.stm[/url]

Hutchings sacked as Wigan manager

Wigan have sacked boss Chris Hutchings following the club's slump into the bottom three of the Premier League.

Assistant manager Frank Barlow takes charge on a caretaker basis, starting with Sunday's trip to Tottenham.

Chairman Dave Whelan said: "It is crucial for our development that we maintain our Premier League status.

"Following results and performances in recent matches we feel it is critical to act now. It is in the best interests of the club and its long-term future."

Hutchings was appointed in May following the resignation of Paul Jewell, stepping up from his role as assistant manager.

Hutchings had also succeeded Jewell at Bradford City in 2000, but lasted less than five months after winning one of 12 Premiership games.

This season in the Premier League, Wigan have collected just eight points from 12 matches to be in the relegation zone.

Athletic were beaten 2-0 at home by Chelsea on Saturday.

It was their sixth defeat in succession, with their last league victory coming against Sunderland at the JJB Stadium on 18 August.

Hutchings is the fourth Premier League manager to be sacked already this season following the departures of Martin Jol (Tottenham), Sammy Lee (Bolton) and Jose Mourinho (Chelsea). Whelan added: "This has been a very difficult decision for me and the board to make.

"Having been so close to the team and such a big part of our success, I felt Chris deserved to be given the chance to take over as number one last summer.

"He has worked very hard since becoming manager and I cannot fault his effort and commitment to the cause."

He said his energies would now be "fully focused" on selecting a new coach.

Whelan added: "This search will be exhaustive and I will not be commenting on any names or speculation until I have found the man."

Jewell, who had announced his intention to take a break from football following his resignation in May, has since been linked with the jobs at Leicester City and Bolton Wanderers.

brightlee 發表於 2007-11-5 09:04 PM

Well, as expected..
I think Wigan may be relegated before the start of this season

terencey 發表於 2007-11-5 09:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2007-11-5 09:04 PM:
Well, as expected..
I think Wigan may be relegated before the start of this season [/quote]

起初我估打比, 保頓同韋根係最有機會降班既, 其次係米堡.

呢個赫捷寧斯一上任我就諗起佢以前既執教紀錄都好差下, 加上又買埋 D 巴布爾呀咁, 形同自殺. 點知開季頭幾場係威係勢咁, 令我有感到幾意外, 之後希斯基一傷, 就危機深重了 ...... 我估佢下一份工好可能係再做祖維爾既助教 .......

我估下一個被炒既可能係米堡既修夫基 ......

brightlee 發表於 2007-11-5 09:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-11-5 23:22:

起初我估打比, 保頓同韋根係最有... [/quote]
so do I!!

Southgate will be my next choice!!
But no one expect Bolton would be that bad as Big Sam was gone

I mean.. maybe they will be fighting in relegation zone.. but not in 2nd of the bottom now


自由神 發表於 2007-11-5 09:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-11-5 09:22 PM:

起初我估打比, 保頓同韋根係最有... [/quote]


terencey 發表於 2007-11-5 09:54 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-11-5 09:26 PM:

上季其實都... [/quote]

米堡今季陣容弱左, 無論攻守發揮都唔見得有進步, 甚至同麥卡倫時期黎比, 係一個倒退. 走左維杜卡, 耶古保, 但竟然只係買入玻璃腳兼未能晌英超証明都自己既艾利亞迪里同土耳其既端基, 後來先至買情緒化, 水準欠穩既米度番黎 .......

以往米堡既突擊同主場威力頗強, 但近來似有漸漸減弱之勢, 連反擊戰術都唔見得好有系統 ....... 再加上近 7 場已輸左 5 場, 所以我覺得修夫基呢個月真係要小心小心 ......

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-5 at 09:56 PM [/i]]

amigofans 發表於 2007-11-5 11:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-11-5 09:22 PM:

起初我估打比, 保頓同韋根係最有... [/quote]

哈哈, 朋友你講起巴布爾, 正呀!

[b][size=5]無記錯係果場, 曼聯炒佢地4球果場, 巴布爾攔截真係狠,

一野掃底對手, 不過睇真d, 原來佢一野產低果個, 係自己友黎....[/size][/b]

哈哈, 真係粗枝大葉得可怕.....:D

terencey 發表於 2007-11-6 10:52 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2007-11-5 11:25 PM:

哈哈, 朋友你講起巴布爾, 正呀!
... [/quote]

領隊見到都真係唔知好嬲定好笑 ...... 哈哈 .......
巴布爾以前晌葉士域治都 OK, 起初 D 人覺得佢淡定, 其實係因為佢太慢而已. 後來波比笠臣 SIR 買佢到紐卡素穩定後防, 點知條防線冇人帶住佢黎踢, 同佢拍過嘅活基治又玻璃腳, 之後嘅保桑同摩亞就同佢一樣咁恐怖, 甩漏多到冇人信, 就算本身真係幾有潛質都死啦, 何況佢係冇乜 game intelligence 既球員就更弊 ...... 仲有就係, 佢實在有點過肥, 減吓磅啦 .....


哈, 原來佢以前咁勁架 ....... 不過都係論盡左 D 喎 ......

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-6 at 11:01 AM [/i]]

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2007-11-6 06:15 PM

歷史再一次證明,所有重用巴布爾的領隊都難逃被炒的命運... :dev:

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