XP 扮 Vista
[url]http://www.badongo.com/cn/file/5121176[/url] 安裝~~ XP 扮 Vista[[i] Last edited by markk on 2007-11-14 at 08:28 AM [/i]] thx first~~
不過想問下~~install後,有冇得轉番xp@@? [quote]Originally posted by [i]babo[/i] at 2007-11-14 09:10 AM:
thx first~~
不過想問下~~install後,有冇得轉番xp@@? [/quote]
uninstall佢就變返xp咁架喇, 呢個只係一個skin黎, 唔係真係變左vista!!! Thx markk~ I'm dl now, let me try 1st n see how does it go sin~ Thx again~ 食唔食RAM ga ?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]ASPP[/i] at 2007-11-14 14:43:
食唔食RAM ga ?? [/quote]
ok啦~ 因為我部機老先慢~ 有512ram以上就應該無事~ :D
好靚o架~ :love: 都係中意xp個介面多d:D 咁都得 @@~~~~~~ hoho, i like this, thx for share!
but got any trojan inside ma..?
very scare bout that, but...try 1st:P:P
[[i] Last edited by aerodusty on 2007-12-29 at 05:34 PM [/i]] er...do any1 meet this problem bout DLL?
hoe to settler it please....
cos it pop up every time i on pc..:cry: Thank You for Sharing.. [quote]Originally posted by [i]aerodusty[/i] at 2007-12-29 08:37 PM:
er...do any1 meet this problem bout DLL?
hoe to settler it please....
cos it pop up every time i on pc..:cry: [/quote]
no 1 know bout this problem? :eek: